We’ve all found ourselves slowly sinking into our chairs as the 3pm slump hits.
Bleary-eyed and completely depleted of motivation, you find yourself squinting at your laptop, wondering where all your energy went. You’re not alone.
Recent research shows that only 1 in 7 Americans wake up feeling fresh every day of the week. (Wonder who that lucky person is?).
Unsurprisingly, those only managing six hours of sleep or less each night feel tired four or more days a week.
Many of us dismiss feeling tired and out of energy as perfectly normal, but could it be more serious than simply feeling sleepy?
This article discusses how to fight fatigue and keep your energy levels flowing.
How To Fight Fatigue: 8 Tips & Tricks
1) Fiber
We all know that fiber plays an important part in our diet, yet most of us still aren’t getting enough of it. Before you can absorb food, enzymes must break foods down into individual nutrients.
That’s where fiber comes in. Fiber passes through your intestines, bringing unabsorbed waste, nutrients, and excess water. It also helps you feel satisfied for longer, releasing sugar slowly and providing you with a sustainable amount of energy.
Men should eat 38 grams of fiber daily, and women should get 25. Older men and women, respectively, should eat 30g and 21g daily.
To get your daily dose of fiber, include green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach, nuts, seeds, and whole grains in your diet. Start your day with a bowl of porridge topped with fruit and nuts.
2) Keep Hydrated
When it comes to feeling fatigued, dehydration is a key cause. Many of us will often mistake thirst for hunger and reach out for a crunchy, carb-heavy snack. However, according to the CDC, most of us fail to drink the recommended amount of water.
Failure to keep hydrated, especially during the warm summer months, can result in dizziness, low blood pressure, and dark-colored urine.
For those who find water too plain to drink, put herbal teas on your shopping list. They will help keep you hydrated throughout the day and come in various delicious flavors.
Top tip: Stay hydrated with a healthy cup of green tea. High in antioxidants, it’s a great way to quench your thirst.

3) Get Up and Go!
If you feel tired and lethargic, exercise is probably the furthest thing from your mind. However, studies have shown that exercising can help beat back extreme fatigue and recharge your energy levels.
One study published in the Psychological Bulletin analyzed 70 studies on exercise involving over 6,800 people. The results found that 90% of studies showed the same thing: sedentary people who undertook regular exercise reported improved fatigue compared to groups that failed to exercise.
So, while your poor, tired body might be telling you to slump on the couch, you’re better off going for that run.
Even moderate exercise, like walking or gardening, can improve your energy levels and make it easier for you to get through your day.
Top tip: Find an exercise buddy. Not only will you help to motivate each other, but it will be more fun!

4) Up Your Omega 3 Intake
Fatigue is often the result of inflammation. Your body’s immune system has evolved to keep you healthy. But if you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system attacks your body instead.
Inflammation is the result, and the stress your body undergoes as it tries to cope with inflammation often results in fatigue. Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to help prevent this.
A study conducted by Dr. Erika Fremantle from the Research Centre for Aging in Sherbrooke, Canada, found that omega-3 fatty acids help to fight fatigue. It supports sustained energy levels, memory function, mental performance, and mood. Try having fresh fish at least once a week.

5) Take a Tech Break
The average American spends 24 hours a week online. That’s a lot of screen time.
Such a length of time staring at a screen can damage your health. Yet, cutting back on screen time is difficult for many of us.
Even our downtime is circled around screens, whether catching up on your favorites series or scrolling through your phone.
But did you know that the blue light from our screens keeps us awake? It may also damage the retina and cause eye strain.
A report by CBS had a few recommendations, including the 20-20-20 rule: after 20 minutes of staring at a screen, look at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
All that screen time isn’t helping our waistlines either, with increased sedentary time contributing to a rise in obesity levels. Do yourself a favor and swap the TV binge for a tennis lesson with a friend. Have a cut-off point, e.g., 7pm when all technology, phones, laptops, and TVs are turned off.
6) Get a Goodnight’s Sleep
This may seem obvious, but few people manage to abide by it. Getting adequate sleep is invaluable to your health, can have a massive effect on how you start your day, and offers many health benefits.
When it comes to settling down for the evening, here are a few tips to prevent poor sleep:
- Cut out afternoon caffeine: You may be surprised to know that caffeine can take between four and six hours to wear off completely after drinking a coffee. Try swapping your afternoon coffee for chamomile tea.
- Don’t have dinner late: Eating late can lead to a restless night of sleep. Your body should not be digesting food when you are asleep, as lying down can increase your chances of indigestion and cause sleep disturbance.
- Set a temperature: Some people sleep better in a cooler environment, while others can’t drift off unless it’s cozy and warm. Studies suggest that the optimum temperature for your bedroom is between 18 and 24°C.
- Listen to music or read a book: If you struggle to sleep, enjoying a calming pastime such as reading a book or listening to calm, serene music can help you doze off.
- Have a cut-off point for tech: Our bodies produce a hormone called melatonin, which helps us feel sleepy. However, when we sit in bed scrolling through our phones or looking at our laptops, our melatonin production is disrupted, making it difficult to fall asleep.
- Sleep disorder: If you struggle with a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, it is important to speak to your doctor for medical advice. Sleep apnea is when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep. The most common type is called obstructive sleep apnea.

7) Try a herbal remedy
While there might not be a magic potion for a goodnight’s sleep, some special herbs can help you get some shut-eye.
Ben’s Deep Sleep is a powerful solution to tiredness. Formulated with effective herbal extracts, it’s pretty much a good night’s sleep in a bottle. Containing a high melatonin dosage, this hormone helps regulate sleep patterns and improve your sleep quality.
Furthermore, Ben’s Mind & Memory contains potent ingredients to help improve memory, focus, and concentration, and rejuvenate mental and physical health.
As an added bonus, it also contains green tea extract. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant, clinically proven to kill off cancer cells. According to the NCI, the polyphenols in green tea have been found to decrease tumor growth in both laboratory and animal studies.
8) B Vitamins
B Vitamins are important for energy levels and a healthy metabolism. If you’re feeling tired, you may be deficient in B vitamins.

To naturally get more energy, you could take a vitamin B supplement or adjust your diet. Eat foods high in B vitamins, such as leafy green vegetables, shellfish and other seafood, eggs, and dairy products.
Battling persistent fatigue can be exhausting, but by following our eight tips, you can recharge your energy level and enjoy a goodnight’s sleep!
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