5 Habits To Avoid If You Have Diabetes

Can’t we all say at one point we have made a not-so-healthy choice? 

As a dietitian, I always encourage people to allow for some indulgences in their diet on occasion. 

Celebrations and food are the core of who we are and are integral in cultural practices. It’s the positive, healthy choices we make daily that ensure overall health and indulgences are possible. 

It is when these occurrences become more frequent and become a habit that we fall into problematic routines. 

5 Habits To Avoid If You Have Diabetes

One of the necessary steps in ensuring diabetes prevention and health is lifestyle modification. But, while adapting to a healthy diabetic lifestyle is the goal, things could fall off track. 

So here we take a look at ​​five behaviors to avoid when you have diabetes.

1) Restrictive Dieting

The word diet has some negative connotations. I prefer to lead people towards healthy eating. Dieting lends to the idea of restriction. 

Consistent carbohydrate intake throughout the day leads to the best control in blood glucose levels. But eliminating entire food groups is never a wise choice. Extreme calorie reduction and skipping meals can have huge ramifications on your overall health. 

While lifestyle interventions can be pivotal in delaying or reversing diabetes, dieting can have adverse outcomes for your blood glucose. Skipping meals can cause your blood sugar levels to dip, causing hypoglycemia

A diet lacking in vital nutrients is one of the most potent contributors to diabetes risk, leading to comorbidities like high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, cardiovascular risk, and kidney disease. 

By limiting saturated fat, eating a variety of whole grains that contain fiber-filled carbohydrates, and reducing overall sodium intake, you will be well on your way to a healthy diabetic lifestyle. 

Glucose comes from the food we eat and changes into energy. If your diet is poor, your body is not getting the essential nutrition it needs. 

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2) Omitting Insulin

Insulin administration is required in all type 1 diabetics and sometimes in type 2. The Pancreas produces insulin, but in a person with diabetes, it is insufficient. 

An insulin regimen can cause weight gain. While insulin may be a necessary step to having well-controlled diabetes, the weight gain is often undesired. 

Some individuals may withhold insulin injections and let their blood sugar levels run higher to induce a reduction in body weight. Those particularly prone to this disordered behavior include the teenage population and women. 

Eating foods low on the Glycemic index will help combat hunger and help maintain a safe insulin regimen while minimizing weight gain.

3) A Sedentary Lifestyle

Regular exercise is vital for a person with diabetes to prevent or delay cardiovascular disease and other comorbidities associated with diabetes. Exercise can be beneficial because it will help lower blood sugar levels up to 24 hours post-exercise, promote weight loss, and increase insulin sensitivity

Because physical activity can lower blood sugar levels, it is crucial to test before and after movement. Having the appropriate amount of carbohydrates on board ensures blood sugar stability. Omitting food could cause post-exercise hypoglycemia.

4) Not checking your blood glucose level

The economics of diabetes supplies may cause you to consider not testing regularly. While many have become adapt to knowing their body and their signs and symptoms of hypo and hyperglycemia- you shouldn’t limit the number of tests completed. 

Keeping a thorough blood sugar log will give your practitioner insight into how your body processes the foods you eat and whether the insulin regimen you are on is accurate. These logs are imperative for physicians to recognize patterns and delay the onset of many conditions.

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 5) Frequently Consuming Alcohol

While consuming alcohol occasionally is permitted for diabetes, taking careful precautions is critical. Alcohol consumption can cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes. 

While drinking, it is also essential to consume a snack to prevent low blood sugar. Those that are malnourished and drink alcohol often can have severely low blood sugar. 

In addition, frequent consumption worsens blood pressure which can cause diabetic neuropathy, heart disease, and conditions in the eye.


Managing diabetes for diabetic patients includes a multifaceted approach. A diabetic lifestyle may consist of lifestyle changes, including limiting alcohol consumption, achieving a  healthy weight by consuming a healthy diet. This will ensure that you live the healthiest life possible. 

Explore More


7 Lifestyle Changes To Make To Control Your Diabetes.


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  2. Sami W, Ansari T, Butt NS, Hamid MRA. Effect of diet on type 2 diabetes mellitus: A review. Int J Health Sci (Qassim). 2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5426415/
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  4. Wadden TA, Webb VL, Moran CH, Bailer BA. Lifestyle modification for obesity: new developments in diet, physical activity, and behavior therapy. Circulation. 2012. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3313649/

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