6 Natural Ways To Stop Urine Urgency

Let’s face it – we all have been at that point of our lives where it had become increasingly difficult to hold back our pee until we were in the proximity of a restroom. 

While this situation might’ve happened to you once or twice, some people deal with this overwhelming need to urinate constantly. 

These people are termed as having urine urgency or urge incontinence, and there could be several reasons that cause it in the first place. 

Both males and females have been seen to experience urinary urgency. Diabetes, overactive bladder syndrome, cystitis (bladder infection), pregnancy, and prostate-related problems are some of the many reasons urine urgency occurs. 

How To Stop Urine Urgency

To end these frustrating urinary problems, there is a lot that you could do by yourself. 

Below are some easy and convenient ways of stopping urinary urgency naturally at home. 

The best part about trying these urine urgency treatment methods is that you do not have to take any extra medications. This means fewer chances of going through unwanted side effects and body-related issues for you.

Find out natural treatment options to stop urine urgency.

1) Train Your Bladder 

Now, this bladder control treatment remedy might work for people whose urine urgency is in its initial stages and does not cause any major inconvenience. These people should see how long they could control and hold their pee in. 

So, the next time you feel the urge to urinate desperately, do not give in to the ‘temptation’ immediately – let it linger there. 

At first for 10 minutes, then later on for 20 minutes, and so on until you can wait without losing any control. Within a few weeks, you will notice how drastically your urges will go down.

2) Drop The Triggers For A While!

For most of us, urine urgency is not because of a looming disease or condition. Instead, it is typically the excessive intake of certain food and drinks that causes our bladder to fill up quickly and cause urine leakage. 

Among these food and drinks items are caffeinated drinks, cold drinks, spicy foods, tomato-rich foods, chocolate, etc. 

So, if you decide to cut down on these food items for a while, your urges should reduce.

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3) Try Doing Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are proven to be greatly beneficial for strengthening the bladder muscles and the pelvic floor muscles for different purposes. Controlling or stopping urinary urgency is one of them. 

Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and make it easier to be more mindful and focused when you voluntarily contract these muscles. You do not necessarily need to go to a professional to get these exercise sessions. 

In the context of urine urgency, you can simply try stopping your urine stream midway while urinating. Try holding the stream in for about 5 to 10 seconds. While doing so, try to stay as calm and relaxed as you can manage. And then simply let go when you feel that you cannot hold it in any longer. 

These exercises are simple and train you to use your pelvic floor muscles more voluntarily instead of the abdominal ones, thus giving you more control over your bladder contraction and, ultimately, your overactive bladder symptoms. 

4) Don’t Ignore Your Diet

While you may have never thought about it, our bladder and bowel often work in synchronization. 

When the bowel is full it starts putting pressure on the empty bladder, making you feel like you need to pee.  

So, to steer clear from this situation and prevent an indirect urinary urgency from building up, it is always better to add food items such as green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and beans to your diet that keep your bowel relaxed and constipation-free.

5) Quit Smoking 

Smoking is an interesting trigger that has been linked with causing urinary urgency. Smoking often causes chronic coughing in smokers. This predisposes them to develop sudden bouts of excessive coughing fits, which often makes them lose control of their bladder. So, urine urgency or the problem of frequent urination develops. 

Smoking was also seen to damage the bladder lining, which could lead to severe consequences in the long run. 

6) Drink More Water

In people who already have urinary urgency, there is a certain mindset that they need to drink less water so that their body only produces a small amount of urine 

However, this mindset is totally wrong. Drinking less water could do more harm than good. It could cause inflammation in the bladder, damage to the bladder lining, and produce painful symptoms and an urge to urinate out of habit. This would end up making the condition worse for you.  

Therefore, it would be great to stay hydrated, go on pee breaks at regular intervals, and try controlling urges whenever they appear.

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Urinary urgency is a frustrating condition that could keep you on your toes at all times. 

However, the chances are that if this urgency is not occurring due to any underlying disease. So, then you can control it at home and without taking any medications.

After all, it is just a matter of some lifestyle changes, and you can easily go back to your early healthy and tension-free life in no time!

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Urgency to Urinate But No UTI: Possible Causes.


  1. Salvatore, S., Espuña-Pons, M., & Tubaro, A. (2019). Urinary Urgency: A Symptom In Need Of A Cure. Research and reports in urology, 11, 327–331. https://doi.org/10.2147/RRU.S216757
  2. Wrenn K. Dysuria, Frequency, and Urgency. In: Walker HK, Hall WD, Hurst JW, editors. Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition. Boston: Butterworths; 1990. Chapter 181. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK291/
  3. Cavkaytar, S., Kokanali, M. K., Topcu, H. O., Aksakal, O. S., & Doğanay, M. (2015). Effect of home-based Kegel exercises on quality of life in women with stress and mixed urinary incontinence. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 35(4), 407-410. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25264854/
  4. Leron, E., Weintraub, A. Y., Mastrolia, S. A., & Schwarzman, P. (2018). Overactive Bladder Syndrome: Evaluation and Management. Current Urology, 11(3), 117–125. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29692690/

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