Can Prostate Cancer Increase the Risk of Other Cancers?

Receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis can be emotionally challenging.

After treatment, being a prostate cancer survivor feels relieving and empowering. 

But some patients may have an additional cause of worry if they get what we know as second cancer. 

However, it’s important to understand the distinction between second cancer and metastasis. Discovering cancer in another location does not always indicate the spread of prostate cancer.

Some prostate cancer patients receive a second cancer diagnosis. They usually have many questions and worries about their condition. 

What is second cancer, and how is it different from metastasis? If you have prostate cancer, what other types of cancer can you develop? Is there a way to lower your risk of second cancer? 

This article aims to provide clear and accurate information to help address these concerns.

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What is second cancer?

Cancer cells are different from the original tissue. If cancer spreads, it will not have the same features as before. When cancer cells spread to other organs, they behave like seeds being planted in new ground.

New tumors arise, and they are called metastasis. Even if they are different from the original tissue, they share some traceable features. Thus, it is possible to say if they came from the primary tumor or not.

A second cancer is different because it is unrelated to any previous diagnosis. In other words, it is a different type of cancer. 

It is usually found in another tissue, but you could also find it in the same organ. In most cases, second cancers develop in cancer survivors after treatment has been concluded. Thus, it is sometimes essential to differentiate second cancers from cancer recurrence.

Can prostate cancer increase the risk of other cancers?

Prostate cancer shares similarities with other cancer types and shares common risk factors. If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, it’s possible that you share certain risk factors that could also contribute to the development of a second cancer.

The type of treatment received for prostate cancer can also influence the risk of developing another cancer. Therefore, after successfully managing prostate cancer, it is crucial to undergo careful follow-up examinations. Urologists use these follow-ups to monitor for biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer or the emergence of a second cancer.

Among the treatments, radiation therapy stands out as a potential contributor to second cancers. However, it’s important to note that not every patient who undergoes radiotherapy will develop a second cancer. The risk is associated with the radiation dose received, prompting ongoing research into new therapy methods that explore lower doses and combination treatments for improved outcomes.

Patients who did not undergo radiotherapy may still face an increased risk of second cancers due to overlapping risk factors that could trigger multiple types of cancer simultaneously. Although the rate of second cancers is generally not excessively high, it’s important to recognize that the risk persists even after resolving prostate cancer.

According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the risk of second cancers ranges from 0.1% to 4.2%, depending on the type of cancer. Higher risks are observed in patients who underwent external beam radiotherapy, while lower risks are seen in those who received brachytherapy. Your specific risk is influenced by your baseline risk factors and the type of cancer therapy you received. Ongoing research in the field of oncology continues to explore the efficacy and long-term effects of newer treatment methods.

Research indicates that prostate cancer is associated with an increased risk of several other types of cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, these include:

  • Thyroid cancer

  • Skin melanoma

  • Thyroid cancer

Additionally, there is a higher risk of acute myeloid leukemia and rectal cancer in patients treated with radiotherapy.

But depending on the source of the statistics, you could find slightly different data. For instance, according to the New England Journal of Medicine article cited above, there was no higher risk of hematologic malignancies. Thus, no increase in acute myeloid leukemia. 

The incidence of bladder cancer was 0.1 to 3.8%. For rectal cancer, it was 0.3 to 1.2%. And the incidence of colon cancer was 0.3 to 4.2%.

As you can see, there’s no way to know if you’re getting second cancer or not. That’s why cancer screening and follow-ups are required to rule them out. Rest assured, the chance is very low, especially if you didn’t need radiotherapy to destroy cancer cells.

Can you lower your risk of getting second cancer?

If you’re a prostate cancer survivor, remember that your treatment was meant to eradicate prostate cancer, not other tumors. Thus, receiving treatment for prostate cancer does not mean that you will not suffer from another type. 

It won’t provide any protection against second cancers in the future. Quite the opposite, because some cancer treatments may increase your risk. Talk to your doctor to know if this is likely to happen and what to do in your case to have a lower risk.

Doctors understand the risk of second cancers, and they act accordingly. They will guide you through preventative measures to keep you safe. They often include:

Follow-up visits

Your doctor will most likely recommend follow-up or surveillance. They are visits to the urologist or another healthcare professional after you’re done with prostate cancer therapy. 

Even if you’re on hormonal treatment and other forms of extended treatment, you should schedule appointments with your doctor. In this appointment, your doctor will evaluate your general health, the effects of cancer treatment, and other aspects of your wellbeing. Second cancers are also ruled out in these visits.

Survivorship care plan

You will be given a survivorship care plan. It has a description of what needs to be done after cancer treatment. Talk to your doctor if you have any doubts about how to apply it. 

Also, if you have a new symptom or concern, report them to your healthcare team. Even if you don’t think it is related to prostate cancer, do not hesitate to ask. 

In some cases, doctors will recommend specific modifications to reduce your risk. They will also start screening guidelines depending on your levels of risk and the presence of cancer syndromes in your family. This screening plan is usually similar to the one described for healthy patients.

Healthy lifestyle and habits

The recommendations to reduce the risk of second cancer are easy to guess. They are similar to the lifestyle and habits healthy patients should follow to prevent cancer. 

They include quitting tobacco and avoiding heavy alcohol consumption. Not consuming alcohol is recommended, or at least reducing the number of drinks by two drinks per day for men and one for women. 

It is also recommended to stay at a healthy weight and get active with exercise as much as possible. Avoid physical inactivity. 

A healthy eating pattern is also recommended. Avoid sugary drinks and highly processed foods. Limit red meat and try to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Doing so may reduce the risk of second cancer and other health issues.

Altogether, these recommendations are helpful to keep you healthy in many ways. One of them is protecting your cells against new tumors. 

However, it is also essential to understand the risk factors of cancer. Some of them are modifiable. Others cannot be changed. 

If you have non-modifiable risk factors, there is little to do about it, and you need to keep watch and try to catch new tumors as early as possible.

Cancer risk factors

As noted above, it is useful to identify modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors. The former can be changed through diet, lifestyle, and environmental recommendations. The latter cannot be changed. But you need to be aware of them to guide screening and preventative strategies.

Non-modifiable risk factors

  • Family History: Understanding your family history is essential for determining screening frequency and target areas. For example, families with a high incidence of colon and endometrial cancers may indicate Lynch syndrome. Seeking professional advice is crucial to assess heritability.
  • Gene Mutations: Damage to oncogenes can trigger various cancers, and these mutations may or may not be hereditary. Genetic testing, guided by healthcare professionals, can provide insights into familial risk.
  • Personal History: As a prostate cancer survivor, your risk is slightly elevated for specific cancers. Discussing your individual risk profile with your healthcare team is essential for tailored prevention strategies.
  • Age: Age is a significant factor, with different types of cancer being more common in various age groups. Second cancers after prostate cancer are often identified in seniors.
  • Ethnicity: Certain cancers may be more prevalent in specific racial or ethnic groups.
  • Other Diseases: Specific medical conditions can elevate cancer risk. Conditions like iron storage disease in the liver, a weakened immune system (as in HIV), and diabetes mellitus with pancreatitis increase susceptibility to specific cancers.

Modifiable risk factors 

  • Smoking: Tobacco smoking is probably the best example of a modifiable risk factor. Secondhand smoke also counts if held for a long time. After quitting, patients reduce their relative risk of various cancers over the years, not only lung cancer.
  • Environmental hazards: Workers in leather, chemical, dye, and textile industries may increase the risk of certain types of cancer. Limiting exposure and considering workplace modifications is sometimes valuable to prevent second cancer.
  • Alcohol: The usual recommendation is limiting your alcohol consumption to two drinks a day in men and one in women. However, if you can quit drinking, the risk reduces further, especially in colon cancer.
  • Obesity: Overweight and obesity are also risk factors to get rectum cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, and more. Thus, reaching a healthy weight is a fundamental measure to lower your risk.
  • Ionizing radiation: Cancer risk increases if you’ve been subject to radiotherapy or another source of ionizing radiation. For instance, in a nuclear reactor accident or being an operator of medical devices that use radiation. It is located around the area that received ionizing radiation.


Colon cancer, bladder cancer, rectal cancer, and skin cancer incidence are higher in prostate cancer survivors. They are known as second cancers. 

They are not related to prostate cancer in any way and should be differentiated from metastasis and recurrence.

Cancer prevention is fundamental to reducing second cancer cases. To prevent them, we can adopt a few lifestyle recommendations, such as quitting cigarette smoking. 

Screening for a genetic mutation is recommended if cancer syndromes are suspected in your family. And follow-ups are fundamental to scan your body from cancer recurrence and second cancer incidence.

Next Up


How To Reduce Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer.


  1. Wallis, C. J., Mahar, A. L., Choo, R., Herschorn, S., Kodama, R. T., Shah, P. S., … & Nam, R. K. (2016). Second malignancies after radiotherapy for prostate cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis. bmj, 352.
  2. Toma-Dasu I, Wojcik A, Kjellsson Lindblom E. Risk of second cancer following radiotherapy. Phys Med. 2017.

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