Can You Eat Sweet Potato If You Have Diabetes?

Sweet potatoes are a popular vegetable choice. 

But if you have diabetes, you may be wondering whether you can even eat sweet potatoes in the first place! 

I’m sure you know that controlling blood sugar is a vital health piece for you. 

This begs the question – how does sweet potato impact blood sugar?

Can you eat sweet potato if you have diabetes?

The short answer here is yes. However, it does depend on the type of sweet potato. 

Certain types of sweet potato are better for your diabetes than others. The glycemic index and glycemic load vary from one kind of sweet potato to the next.

The portion size and cooking method also matter here. A person with diabetes can safely eat sweet potatoes in moderation.

Glycemic index of sweet potato 

Sweet potatoes are medium to high on the glycemic index. The different types of sweet potato in the glycemic index range from 44 to 96. The glycemic index is a value given to foods based on how quickly they turn into glucose in the blood.

How sweet potato impacts blood sugar

Sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic load than white potatoes. Overall though, sweet potatoes are what we consider high in carbs.

However, sweet potatoes do contain properties that can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Although sweet potatoes can spike your blood sugar levels, their fiber content does help to slow down this whole process.

Orange sweet potatoes are higher on the glycemic index. This means that they can increase your blood sugar levels more dramatically than other varieties of sweet potatoes.

Whichever type of sweet potato you eat, be sure to limit your quantity. And boil or steam your sweet potatoes instead of baking them.

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How much sweet potato should a diabetic eat?

A typical serving size of sweet potato is half a cup. Half a medium size sweet potato is a good amount for someone with diabetes to have. This is because half a medium size sweet potato is the equivalent of 15 grams of carbs.

Large amounts of sweet potato in a single meal may be unsuitable for someone with type 2 diabetes. The cooking method matters, too. Boiling your sweet potatoes can lead to a lower glycemic index value than baking, frying, or roasting.

Can diabetics eat sweet potato daily? 

Sweet potatoes are a better nutritional option than white potatoes. However, this doesn’t mean you should go crazy with your sweet potato intake. 

Consume your sweet potatoes in moderation, or they could negatively impact your blood glucose levels.

Also, keep in mind that some sweet potatoes are very large, making it easier to overeat sweet potato portions. Go for a medium size sweet potato. And be sure to include other vegetables and healthy foods in your meal plan, too.

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Advantages of eating sweet potatoes

Studies show that eating sweet potatoes can have the following health benefits:

  • Anticancer
  • Antidiabetic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidative
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Antitumor
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antiobesity
  • Anti-aging


So there you have it. The answer to whether you can eat sweet potatoes if you have diabetes is, “it depends.” 

I know how frustrating that can be! But you can safely eat sweet potatoes as long as you manage your portion sizes and are mindful of how you cook them.

If you eat sweet potatoes this way, you can still get lots of great nutrition from them. You can even get some great health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-aging.

As always, speak to your health care provider first to make sure that eating sweet potatoes is the right move for you, especially if you have diabetes.

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  1. Bovell-Benjamin, AC. (2007). Sweet potato: a review of its past, present, and future role in human nutrition. Adv Food Nutr Res. 1(52), pp.1-59.
  2. El Sheikha, AF & Ray, RC. (2017). Potential impacts of bioprocessing of sweet potato: Review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 57(3), pp.455-71.
  3. Laurie, SM; Faber, M & Claasen, N. (2018). Incorporating orange-fleshed sweet potato into the food system as a strategy for improved nutrition. Food Res Int. 1(104), pp.77-85.
  4. Mohanraj, R & Sivasankar, S. (2014). Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) a valuable medicinal food: a review. J Med Food. 17(7), pp.733-41.
  5. Wang, S; Nie, S & Zhu, F. (2016). Chemical constituents and health effects of sweet potato. Food Res Int. 89(1), pp.90-116.

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