What Happens If You Stop Taking Farxiga? (Dapagliflozin)

Farxiga (dapagliflozin) is a prescription medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. 

It is a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor, meaning it works by helping the kidneys remove the excess sugar found in your blood. 

Farxiga may lead to side effects such as UTIs, increased urinary frequency, nausea, constipation, and back pain due to its mechanism of releasing glucose from the urinary tract.

If you are uncomfortable with the side effects, you might be considering stopping Farxiga. 

If that is the case, you may be wondering what happens if you stop taking Farxiga. 

Here, we’ll review everything you need to know once you stop the medication. 

Now, make sure that before you stop taking the medication, you must consult with your doctor to determine if you should replace it with another medication to help manage your blood glucose levels. 

What To Expect If You Stop Taking Farxiga

No matter the reason you’ve decided to stop taking Farxiga, it’s important to understand what can happen if you discontinue the medication. 

Here are some possible side effects of stopping Farxiga: 

1) Increased Blood Sugar Levels

The main mechanism of action of Farxiga is to help reduce blood glucose levels. 

So, if you haven’t made lifestyle changes (nutrition, exercise, stress, and sleep), once you stop taking Farxiga, it’s likely that blood glucose levels might rise. 

2) Potential for Weight Gain

One of the benefits of Farxiga is its effect on weight loss. 

According to research, Farxiga may help reduce fat while maintaining muscle mass. 

Just like with blood glucose levels, if you don’t make any changes in your lifestyle, once you stop taking Farxiga, it can make you gain the weight you lost (and maybe even more). 

3) Decreased Side Effects 

While Farxiga is generally well-tolerated, like any medication, it can have side effects. So, once you stop Farxiga, Dapagliflozin’s side effects are likely to stop, such as urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, nausea, back pain, and constipation. 

Now, keep in mind that it might take a couple of weeks for all side effects to go away. 

4) Improved Hydration 

Finally, one of the possible side effects of Farxiga is dehydration. Since there is increased urination, if you are not careful with your water intake while taking Farxiga, it can lead to dehydration. 

Once you stop taking Farxiga, since you are going to the bathroom less frequently, it’s less likely you’ll get dehydrated. 

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Reasons People Stop Taking Farxiga

1) Cost

While Farxiga might be cheaper than other anti-diabetes medications, it may still cost $500 per month to get the treatment. 

While there are ways to help you save money on Farxiga (like insurance and coupons), it can still be quite expensive. 

2) Urinary Tract Infections 

One of the most common side effects are urinary tract infections and vaginal infections. 

While some women might not get them, others might. And, if you’ve had them, you know they are one of the most uncomfortable feelings.

Now, having a UTI once in a while is not that bad, but imagine having them so often that it affects your quality of life. 

So, if this is a recurrent issue, you may want to find other alternative diabetes drugs to help you manage your blood glucose levels.  

3) Frequent Bathroom Breaks

Another common side effect of this diabetes medication is increased urination

If you work from home, this may not be a challenge, but going to the bathroom frequently may not be an option if you have back-to-back meetings. 

Some people end up leaving Farxiga due to their increased frequency of going to the bathroom. 

4) Normal Blood Glucose Levels

Finally, if you’ve reached stable blood glucose levels, it may be a reason to stop taking the medication. 

However, before you do so, make sure you talk with your doctor to determine if you should stop taking anti-diabetic medication altogether or if you should switch to another one. 

What To Do If You Decide You Want To Discontinue Farxiga

If you decide you want to stop taking Farxiga, the most important thing is to talk with your healthcare provider. 

They are going to guide you into what is the best option to stop taking Farxiga if you should switch to another medication, or if there are any other considerations you need to take into account. 

Keep in mind that the healthcare professional may guide you into what are the best healthy lifestyle habits you should implement to prevent your blood glucose levels from spiking. 

How To Safely Come Off Of Farxiga

There is no need to gradually reduce Farxiga. You can simply stop taking it. 

However, you need to consider if you need to start taking any other medication. 

In the meantime, remember that it might take a couple of weeks for the medication to wear off. 

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Are There Any Withdrawal Symptoms From Stopping Farxiga?

As of now, there are no reported withdrawal symptoms associated with discontinuing Farxiga. 

However, blood glucose levels can start rising if you are not careful with your eating habits after stopping Farxiga. 

How To Prevent Blood Sugar Levels From Spiking After Stopping Dapagliflozin

If you are thinking about stopping Farxiga, make sure you are paying attention to your lifestyle habits to prevent blood sugar levels from spiking. 

Here are some recommendations you should take into consideration before leaving Farxiga:

  • Reduce simple sugars. Avoid the consumption of simple sugars (sweets, candies, ice cream, and white bread). They can spike your sugar levels. So, it’s best to eat complex carbs, such as whole grains, legumes, and vegetables. 
  • Exercise. Exercising can help reduce blood glucose levels. Strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate to intense activity every week. 
  • Manage stress. High cortisol levels can spike blood glucose levels. Search for coping mechanisms to help you manage stress, such as yoga, journaling, or going for a walk. 
  • Stay hydrated. Low water consumption can result in high sugar levels. Drink at least half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water. 


Do you have to take Farxiga forever?

No, you don’t need to take Farxiga forever. If your blood glucose levels stabilize and you have good lifestyle habits, you may not need to take the medication. However, it’s best to talk with a healthcare professional before you do so. 

Can you stop Farxiga cold turkey?

Yes, you may be able to stop taking Farxiga all of a sudden, but first, you need to speak with a healthcare professional to determine if you should take other precautions to avoid diabetes or kidney complications. 

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Farxiga is an antidiabetic medication that helps regulate blood glucose levels by releasing glucose through the kidneys. 

While it is a safe medication, it may increase the risk of side effects, such as urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, nausea, and back pain. 

If you are thinking about leaving Farxiga (no matter the reason), make sure you speak with a health professional to determine if you can go cold turkey with the medication or if you need to switch to another medication to help regulate your blood glucose levels. 

Explore More

farxiga side effects

Farxiga Side Effects: Common, Rare & Severe Adverse Outcomes.


  1. Sugiyama S, Jinnouchi H, Kurinami N, Hieshima K, Yoshida A, Jinnouchi K, Nishimura H, Suzuki T, Miyamoto F, Kajiwara K, Jinnouchi T. Dapagliflozin Reduces Fat Mass without Affecting Muscle Mass in Type 2 Diabetes. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2018 Jun 1;25(6):467-476. doi: 10.5551/jat.40873. Epub 2017 Dec 8. PMID: 29225209; PMCID: PMC6005223.
  2. Farxiga. Possible side effects.

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