Why Do I Have Nitrites in My Urine?

If you have nitrites in your urine, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI).

In this article, we will explore what nitrites in urine are, the reasons behind their presence and accompanying symptoms, methods used for diagnosis, available treatments, and potential complications that might arise.

What causes nitrites in urine?

When nitrites are found in urine, it is typically a result of an infection in the tract known as a urinary tract infection. 

In a UTI, harmful bacteria enter the tract and quickly multiply, causing an infection. Certain types of bacteria have an enzyme that converts nitrates into nitrites. Therefore, the presence of nitrites in urine indicates a UTI.

Symptoms to look out for

UTIs often have symptoms that act as warning signs for individuals. These symptoms may include the following:

  • Burning sensation during urination
  • An increased urge to urinate
  • Heightened urgency to urinate
  • Blood in the urine
  • Cloudy urine 
  • Urine with a strong odor

While most people experience symptoms, some may not immediately exhibit signs related to UTIs. 

Pregnant women, especially, may undergo urine tests to check for nitrites and other factors during care as a precautionary measure, even if they don’t show symptoms of a UTI.

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Nitrates vs nitrites

Nitrates and nitrites are both forms of nitrogen. They have different chemical structures—nitrates have three oxygen atoms, while nitrites have two.

Does a positive nitrite test always signal a UTI?

While a positive nitrite test can strongly suggest the presence of a tract infection (UTI), it doesn’t guarantee an infection in all cases. 

This is because some bacteria might not have the enzyme required to convert nitrates to nitrites leading to negative results. 

Hence a negative nitrite test doesn’t completely rule out the possibility of a UTI.

However, when combined with symptoms, a positive nitrite test becomes an essential clue for healthcare professionals in diagnosing a UTI.

How are nitrites in urine diagnosed?

When detecting nitrites in urine, healthcare professionals rely on a procedure called urinalysis. 

This simple test involves providing a urine sample for examination, which can provide insights into your health.

Urinalysis may be conducted for reasons including:

  1. UTI Symptoms: If you experience symptoms that suggest a tract infection (UTI), such as painful urination, this test can help confirm whether nitrites are present.
  2. Regular Checkups: As part of health checkups, urinalysis is often included to assess urinary function and identify potential issues.
  3. Urinary Problems: If you notice blood in your urine or encounter problems, urinalysis can provide valuable information about the underlying cause.
  4. Pre-Surgery Evaluation: healthcare providers may request a urinalysis before undergoing procedures to ensure optimal urinary health.
  5. Pregnancy Monitoring: During care, urine samples are commonly tested for nitrites and other factors as a measure especially considering the increased risk of UTIs during pregnancy.
  6. Hospital Admission: When admitted to a hospital, urinalysis is frequently performed to assess health, including the condition of the urinary system.

Overall, urinalysis is a tool used by healthcare professionals to diagnose the presence of nitrites in urine and evaluate health for various medical purposes. 

Before undergoing a urinalysis, you should inform your healthcare provider about any medications, vitamins, or supplements you are currently taking. This information is crucial as some substances can affect the test results. 

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Treatments for nitrites in urine

Treatment for nitrites in urine, which are caused by a tract infection (UTI), primarily involves taking a course of antibiotics. 

The specific choice of antibiotics depends on factors such as the type of bacteria for the infection and the patient’s medical history. 

Additionally, drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated helps to flush out bacteria from the tract supporting the body’s defenses, aiding in a quicker recovery.

For pregnant women

If a pregnant woman has nitrites in their urine, whether or not they have symptoms, it is usually recommended for them to take a course of antibiotics. 

UTIs, during pregnancy, can be worrisome because they could lead to complications like high blood pressure and premature delivery if left untreated. 

Additionally, UTIs during pregnancy have a chance of spreading to the kidneys, which poses risks. 

To protect the health of both the mother and the developing baby, pregnant individuals will be given treatment as prescribed by their healthcare provider.

Overall receiving treatment and proper hydration will help alleviate symptoms and effectively clear the infection. 

It’s crucial to follow the advice and closely monitor any changes in symptoms during and after the treatment period. 

If there are any recurring symptoms, you must communicate with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and potential adjustments in the treatment plan.

Early and thorough management is vital for recovery and maintaining urinary health.


If left untreated, UTIs can lead to severe complications, especially if the infection spreads to the kidneys or bloodstream. 

An infection in the upper urinary tract can be challenging to treat and may cause life-threatening conditions like sepsis. 

Pregnant individuals with UTIs are at a higher risk of complications, including high blood pressure, premature delivery, and kidney infections.

Potential complications of untreated UTIs:

  1. Kidney infections (pyelonephritis)
  2. Sepsis
  3. Recurrent infections
  4. Chronic kidney disease (CKD)


Detecting the presence of nitrites in urine can indicate a tract infection (UTI) caused by harmful bacteria. 

Although a positive nitrite test is an indicator, a negative result does not entirely rule out the possibility of a UTI.

It is crucial to be mindful of accompanying symptoms and promptly seek attention if you notice any signs of a UTI.

With antibiotics, timely diagnosis, and appropriate treatment, you can help prevent complications and ensure recovery. 

Taking care of your health, staying well hydrated, and maintaining good hygiene practices are vital measures for maintaining a healthy urinary system.

Always remember that your doctor is the source of information for any concerns or inquiries regarding nitrites in urine and overall urinary health.

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Leukocytes In Urine: Causes, Signs, Treatment.


  1. National Library of Medicine. Nitrites in Urine.
  2. Urology Care Foundation. Urinary Tract Infections in Adults.
  3. Hinkle J, Cheever K. Brunner & Suddarth’s Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests. 2nd Ed, Kindle. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2014. Urinalysis; p. 508-9.
  4. Mambatta AK, Jayarajan J, Rashme VL, Harini S, Menon S, Kuppusamy J. Reliability of dipstick assay in predicting urinary tract infection. J F Med Prim Care [Internet]. 2015.
  5. Bono MJ, et al. (2022). Urinary tract infection.
  6. Delzell JE, et al. (2000). Urinary tract infections during pregnancy.
  7. Milani DAQ, et al. (2022). Urinalysis.

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