Does Frequent Ejaculation Affect Sperm Count or Fertility?

Does frequent ejaculation matter? Some people ejaculate once a month or week; others do it on a daily basis. 

The question is, does frequent ejaculation affect fertility and sperm count? If so, will the number of times you ejaculate affect optimal sexual health? 

There is a lot of speculation when it comes to ejaculation and regular masturbation. 

A ton of myths circulate the internet. But, which of these are actually true? 

We dig a little deeper and shed some light on this popular question. Here is what experts have to say. 

What Is Frequent Ejaculation?

Many stereotypes of manliness pervade the common misconceptions about masturbation and ejaculation. Masturbation may be a difficult topic to talk about. But, in reality, around 92% of American men and 76% of women masturbate. 80% of men who use sex toys claim they are a practical option for a better masturbation experience. 

  • Studies on frequent ejaculation, particularly males who ejaculate 21 times (or more) a month, found that men might have a lower risk of getting prostate cancer. These results were compared to those who ejaculated less frequently. About 4 to 7 times a month. 

Ejaculation features fluid from the prostate, bulbourethral glands, and the seminal vesicle. Though the fluid of the prostate has a wide range of substances, its main job is to deliver sperm. 

Recently, more and more studies have popped up stating that frequent ejaculation has many benefits, especially on prostate cancer. 

According to experts, ejaculating frequently could decrease prostate cancer risk. Having satisfying sex can also amplify prostate health and overall wellbeing. 

That begs the question: does frequent ejaculation affect fertility? Would it make your sexual dysfunction worse? 

Does Frequent Ejaculation Affect Your Sperm Count? 

Low sperm count means that the semen you ejaculate while having an orgasm has fewer sperm than it normally would. The sperm is considered low if a man has less than 15 million sperm /milliliter of semen. Men with low counts have decreased odds of impregnating a partner. 

But, there are those who are still able to father a child. Research indicates that although high ejaculation frequency affects the volume and density of the sperm, it will not impair your potential to have a baby. Nor does it have an effect on initial sperm characteristics. 

While some men might find intimacy to be the last thing on their minds. Especially after cancer or prostatic hyperplasia treatment, for others, there is a bigger need for closeness. 

Cancer therapy can make intimacy feel different. That doesn’t necessarily mean it will be worse. But you will need to adapt and communicate with your partner. 

Does Frequent Ejaculation Affect Your Fertility?

Excessive masturbation can temporarily decrease the sperm reserve. However, the body is still able to produce more sperm. This means that how often men ejaculate is unlikely to affect their fertility. 

Experts believe that optimal semen quality happens 2 to 3 days after no ejaculation. But, conflicting data indicates that people can maintain normal sperm concentration and motility even if they ejaculate daily. 

If you want to maximize your odds of getting your partner pregnant, then having sex with regular ejaculation a couple of times a week can help. Regardless of whether you decide to masturbate in the meantime. 

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Side Effects of Frequent Ejaculation

Masturbation is safe and harmless. If you are being too rough, you can experience tenderness and chafing. But it will subside in a couple of days. You could experience the side effects of frequent ejaculation, like guilt and reduced sexual sensitivity. 

Large cohort studies speculate that ejaculating frequently might be tied with an increased risk of prostatitis. Particularly in younger men. These could be classified as one of those side effects of frequent ejaculation. 

When you ejaculate during masturbation, the pelvic muscles undergo a coordinated yet intense contraction. This is to expel the semen – a process linked with locally amplified lactic acid levels and free radicals as a byproduct. 

This can lead to changes like dilated veins, edema, and muscular malfunction. These can cause typical complaints in patients with chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Like pelvic pain, discomfort, and lower urinary tract symptoms

Frequent Ejaculation Myths 

There are a ton of myths when it comes to masturbation habits. Here are a few examples. 

Myth: If you ejaculate on your own too much, this habit will affect your sex life.

Some people believe that those who ejaculate a lot have poor sexual activity. But, the fact is, masturbation won’t lead to erectile dysfunction. 

So, can you masturbate with ED? Erectile dysfunction makes it difficult to maintain an erection for successful penetration. However, people could still be able to masturbate. But, it depends on what’s causing the issue. 

If, let’s say you have bacterial prostatitis or an enlarged prostate. These conditions can cause pain. During a flare-up, you might find it uncomfortable to ejaculate or masturbate. 

The same thing applies to prostate cancer symptoms. For an enjoyable sexual activity, men need to feel comfortable in their own skin. 

A urologist is an expert who specializes in treating ailments of the urinary tract. They can help mitigate the problems and restore sexual function. Behavioral therapy and sex therapy can also help.

Myth: Ejaculation isn’t normal for sexual development. 

Sexual development is a dynamic process. Masturbating and ejaculating is an enduring part of sexuality. Although people like to express their sexual desire differently, masturbation is still a normal part of sexual development. 

Myth: There is nothing for you to gain if you ejaculate often. 

People think that the side effects of frequent ejaculation are a serious problem. But other than potential guilt and possibly reduced sexual sensitivity, masturbation doesn’t have to be that big of a deal. In fact, data shows that it offers general health benefits. 

It can promote sleep, relaxation, body image, well-being, and self-esteem. These are all vital components when dealing with ED. Including premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, or any similar problem. 

People with a negative perception of their body image are tied to an increased risk for ejaculatory dysfunction. But, with a positive body image, you can achieve better pleasure when it comes to sexual intercourse and intimacy in general. 

With premature ejaculation, multiple studies show that impaired sexual functioning in men with premature ejaculation is drastically linked with depression. 


Masturbation and regular ejaculation is healthy. And won’t affect your odds of having a baby. 

It could mitigate cancer risk and might be useful for individuals susceptible to prostate cancer. Cancer is a complex illness and a simple sexual activity is not enough to keep it at bay. But, the ejaculation frequency could make a person less likely to develop this ailment. 

Now that we’ve answered the question about whether frequent ejaculation affects fertility, you won’t let the myths and misconceptions get in the way.

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  1. Leitzmann MF, Platz EA, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Giovannucci E. Ejaculation frequency and subsequent risk of prostate cancer. JAMA. 2004.
  2. Nnatu SN, Giwa-Osagie OF, Essien EE. Effect of repeated semen ejaculation on sperm quality. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 1991.
  3. Peng H, Chen Q, Tan Y. Frequent ejaculation associated free radical and lactic acid accumulation cause noninfectious inflammation and muscle dysfunction: a potential mechanism for symptoms in Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. Med Hypotheses. 2009.
  4. Xia Y, Li J, Shan G, et al. Relationship between premature ejaculation and depression: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016.

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