Apple Benefits Sexually: Blood Flow, ED, Cholesterol, Heart Health

We discuss some of the benefits of apples and apple juice sexually for men and women. 

We will also evaluate some potential disadvantages and tell you how to make your own apple juice at home.

Keep reading to learn more.

What is apple juice good for sexually?

Apples have a myriad of health benefits. 

They are a source of antioxidants, which protect against premature aging. The dietary fiber in apples helps intestinal health and improves the variety of microbiota. 

But in addition to these benefits, it is also potentially helpful in elevating sexual health. Some people use apple juice as a male arousal drink, and the reason can be related to their nutrients.

Below, let’s explore the benefits of apples sexually for men and women.

Sexual benefits of apples for men

1) Improves heart health

One of the leading causes of age-related erectile dysfunction in men is atherosclerosis. Oxidized LDL is often used as a marker of atherosclerosis. 

It is a substance that can be measured in blood and reveals the risk of hardening of blood vessels.

A 2020 study showed that consuming an apple a day reduces oxidized LDL levels. Doing so also decreases the risk of clogging in the arteries caused by fatty plaques. 

In addition, there is also scientific evidence that the flavonoids present in apples improve overall cardiovascular health.

Although there are no studies directly associated with erectile dysfunction, all these results may translate into a protective effect for older men.

2) Reduces blood pressure and strengthens erections

Apples are a very rich source of potassium. This mineral works in contrast to sodium to regulate blood pressure. 

While sodium raises blood pressure, potassium lowers it. High blood pressure can also lead to erectile dysfunction. Thus, the potassium in apples can help improve long-term sexual health. 

Moreover, potassium is essential to widen the arteries, which is precisely what you want to trigger erectile function.

3) Lowers cholesterol and helps prevent atherosclerosis

Dietary fiber in apples can lower cholesterol levels and slow sugar absorption. Lowering total cholesterol levels also lowers LDL levels, which is the so-called bad cholesterol. 

In this way, the dietary fiber in apples helps to prevent atherosclerosis. 

In many cases, especially in older people, atherosclerosis is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction. Therefore, an apple a day can be a protective factor for years to come.

4) Boosts testosterone levels

Apples contain vitamin C, one of the most critical antioxidant vitamins in our diet. In addition to protecting the body against free radicals, it also supports the immune system and helps produce collagen. 

Vitamin C is a cofactor in thousands of metabolic processes and may even contribute to improving testosterone levels.

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Sexual benefits of apples for women

In the case of women, a specific study evaluates the consumption of this fruit and how it influences sexual health.

It is an Italian study conducted in 2014, which gathered more than 700 women. These were between 18 and 43 years of age and were divided into two groups: those who ate apples frequently (two a day) and those who did not.

To measure their satisfaction with sex, they used a questionnaire called Female Sexual Function Index. 

The result was that apple consumption improved the quality of sexual behavior and overall satisfaction.

One possible reason is that apple fiber helps reduce bothersome gastrointestinal symptoms, improving the sexual experience. 

It is also possible that the antioxidants and flavonoids in apples improve circulation, increasing the likelihood of sexual climax and promoting orgasm.

Can apple juice grow your penis size?

No, drinking apple juice does not increase penis size.

Is apple juice good for you?

Undoubtedly, natural apple juice can be used for many things besides improving libido. The only recommendation to take advantage of it without many setbacks is to prepare it at home or consume it from fresh sources.

It is better to avoid all kinds of processed juices. If you do so, you will have an excellent daily load of flavonoids and antioxidants. 

Here are some ways that drinking apple juice is good for you:

  • Improves hydration. As you might expect, apple juice is a healthy way to hydrate. It is estimated that 88% of apple juice is composed of water, and it also has electrolytes that help you hydrate in a simple way. It can even be an alternative to rehydrate children and adults with severe diarrhea.
  • It protects the body from inflammation. Natural apple juice contains polyphenols and other natural plant compounds that can help reduce inflammation and counteract oxidative stress. According to one study, it only takes 30 minutes for apple juice to start working by suppressing oxidation, and it maintains its effect for at least 90 minutes.
  • Promotes brain function. The antioxidant activity of apple juice improves levels of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. This aids learning and memory processes. In addition, frequent consumption has also been shown to lower beta-amyloid protein in the brain, reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

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How to make apple juice

  1. Wash the apple, cut it into small pieces, and remove the seeds.
  2. Put the apple in a pot with enough water. It shouldn’t be too much water so that it won’t be diluted.
  3. Boil for 20-25 minutes until the apples are very soft.
  4. Mash the apples and stir.
  5. Strain the solution through a strainer.
  6. You can add a little cinnamon until the desired flavor is achieved.

Are there any downsides to drinking apple juice?

There are pros and cons that you need to know about. Here are a few downsides to consider:

Many nutrients are concentrated in the peel

In most cases, the peel is removed to give the juice a smoother texture. However, in doing so, we will eliminate a large amount of fiber and a considerable portion of phytonutrients. 

This is why some people prefer to eat a whole apple rather than drink apple juice.

It can contribute to weight gain

Consuming apple juice is much easier and quicker than a whole apple. Likewise, the body interprets it differently. 

Apple juice is not as filling as an apple. Therefore, you could be consuming more calories without realizing it, leading to weight gain. 

To avoid this, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends considering some daily limits for apple juice consumption in children and adolescents, as you can see in this table:

Age rangeRecommended daily limit of apple juice consumption
1 to 3 years120 mL (1/2 a cup)
3 to 6 years120 to 175 mL (1/2 to 3/4 a cup)
7 to 18 years240 mL (1 cup)
Adults240 mL (1 cup)

Has fewer vitamins and minerals than a whole apple

A medium apple has 9% of the daily vitamin C recommendation. In comparison, apple juice has only 2% of this vitamin.

Similarly, some minerals also decrease in concentration, and the effects of dietary fiber are also greatly affected.


Apples are a very common source of nutrition and are available to many American families. Apple juice can be consumed or in the form of whole apples. 

It is always preferable to consume whole apples, as they maintain a higher proportion of nutrients.

Consuming apples and apple juice has a number of health benefits, but it also has potential benefits for sexual function. 

In this article, we listed the benefits of apple juice sexually. For women, daily consumption of this fruit has been shown to improve the enjoyment of sex. For men, consistent consumption can lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, and protect against age-related erectile dysfunction.

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  1. Brouns, F., Theuwissen, E., Adam, A., Bell, M., Berger, A., & Mensink, R. P. (2012). Cholesterol-lowering properties of different pectin types in mildly hyper-cholesterolemic men and women. European Journal of clinical nutrition66(5), 591-599.
  2. Cassidy, A., Franz, M., & Rimm, E. B. (2016). Dietary flavonoid intake and incidence of erectile dysfunction. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition103(2), 534-541.
  3. Soputri, N. (2016, January). The Effect Of Red Apple (Pyrus Malus) To Blood Pressure Of Grade One Hypertensive Patients. In Journal of International Scholars Conference-ALLIED HEALTH (Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 179-184).
  4. Rahayu, I., Usman, E., & Reza, M. (2019). Effect of vitamin C on testosterone level, sperm count and sperm morphology in gentamicin-induced Wistar rats.
  5. Parmenter, B. H., Croft, K. D., Hodgson, J. M., Dalgaard, F., Bondonno, C. P., Lewis, J. R., … & Bondonno, N. P. (2020). An overview and update on the epidemiology of flavonoid intake and cardiovascular disease risk. Food & function11(8), 6777-6806.
  6. Cai, T., Gacci, M., Mattivi, F., Mondaini, N., Migno, S., Boddi, V., … & Bartoletti, R. (2014). Apple consumption is related to better sexual quality of life in young women. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics290(1), 93-98.
  7. Vallée Marcotte, B., Verheyde, M., Pomerleau, S., Doyen, A., & Couillard, C. (2022). Health benefits of apple juice consumption: A review of interventional trials on humans. Nutrients14(4), 821.

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