3 Ways Cassava Can Improve Your Sex Life

Cassava is a root vegetable popular in tropical regions. 

It is a good source of carbs, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

There are several health benefits cassava has to offer, such as improved gut health, allergy-friendly, and enhanced immune function. 

But cassava also has many benefits sexually that can help improve things in the bedroom. 

It seems that cassava may help increase stamina, improve fertility, and increase libido. 

This article will explore the benefits of cassava in sexual health. 

We’ll also dig into the other possible health advantages of cassava root, how to include it in your diet, and possible side effects you need to consider when adding cassava to your meals. 

​​Benefits of Cassava Sexually

Cassava seems to help improve sexual health. But keep in mind that more research is still needed to determine the possible sexual benefits. 

1) Can Help You Last Longer

One of the main nutrients of cassava is carbs, the preferred energy source in the body. 

So, eating some cassava before having sex may give you that much-needed energy boost to increase your stamina and make you last longer. 

However, be careful about what you pair it with. Adding fats (avocado, butter, or mayo) can make you feel fuller, affecting your performance. 

2) Regulates Hormones

Another sexual advantage of cassava root is that it can help regulate hormone levels thanks to its high fiber intake. 

Research shows fiber can help lower estrogen levels in women, improving ovulation and fertility. 

In addition, cassava is high in folate, which research shows may help improve fertility. 

However, more research is still needed to determine the link between folate and improved fertility. 

3) Supports Sex Drive

Finally, while there is not a lot of scientific evidence regarding the benefits of cassava on sexual desire, some people have found that adding cassava to their diets has helped them increase their libido. 

More research is still needed to determine if it’s because of hormone regulation, zinc content, or vitamin C levels (improve blood flow). 

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Nutritional Facts About Cassava

One cup of raw cassava has the following nutritional information: 

  • Calories: 330 
  • Carbs: 78.5 grams
  • Fiber: 3.7 grams
  • Protein: 2.8 grams
  • Fats: 0.6 grams

As you can see, cassava mostly provides carbs, with little protein to fat content. In addition, cassava is high in essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, copper, thiamine, folate, potassium, magnesium, and niacin. 

Is Cassava Healthy?

There is more to cassava than its sexual health benefits. Thanks to its wide range of nutrients, cassava can be a healthy carb to include. 

Here are some general health benefits of cassava. 

1) Reduced Inflammation

Thanks to its vitamin C content (a powerful antioxidant), cassava root can help reduce oxidative stress, leading to less inflammation. 

2) Enhanced Immune Function

On the same note, thanks to its high vitamin C content, cassava leaves can help improve immune function, making it less likely for you to catch a cold. 

3) Improved Gut Health

Due to its high fiber content, cassava can help improve gut health and reduce the risk of constipation.

4) Reduced Blood Pressure

Since cassava is a good source of potassium, it can help reduce blood pressure, promoting good heart health

5) Allergy-Friendly

Finally, cassava is a great option because it is gluten-free, nut-friendly, and has no other allergy-prone foods. 

This makes cassava the perfect carb for those with several food allergies. 

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Recipe Ideas To Consume Cassava

Thanks to its versatility, you can use cassava in different ways, especially if you use cassava flour. 

You can easily replace almost any recipe that uses wheat flour (which contains gluten) with cassava flour to make a gluten-free option. 

Here are some ways for you to include cassava. 

  • Fried cassava. After cooking the cassava root, place it in an air fryer for crispy cassava sticks. 
  • Cassava gnocchi. You can make gluten-free gnocchi by replacing wheat flour with cassava flour. 
  • Cassava flour rosemary bread. Make the perfect bread by using cassava flour. It is an ideal option for those who need an allergy-friendly bread. 
  • Cassava tortillas. Instead of corn or wheat, you can use cassava flour to make delicious tortillas. 

Possible Side Effects Of Eating Cassava

While cassava is safe to eat, it contains a natural toxin called hydrocyanic acid, a cyanide-producing sugar derivate. 

Now, while this may sound alarming, processing the cassava (soaking, grating, cooking, and pressing) removes the hydrocyanic acid. 

Just make sure you never eat raw cassava. 

Also, keep in mind that cassava is high in calories and carbs. So, to avoid any possible weight gain, eat cassava in moderation. 

Consult a health professional to determine your ideal calorie and macro consumption based on your goals and needs. 

Finally, choose the cassava option as naturally as possible. Processed cassava can decrease the nutrient content.

How Do You Cook Cassava?

To help remove cassava’s cyanide content, ensure you know how to cook cassava. If you are unsure how to do so, here are some instructions. 

  1. Peel the cassava root. 
  2. Cut it into small pieces. 
  3. Soak in water for at least 3-4 hours (ideally 2-4 days).
  4. Boil in water and cook until they are tender. 
  5. Remove the water and cook with the desired herbs or spices. 


Cassava is an excellent source of carbs. It is a gluten-free and allergy-friendly option. 

Cassava can provide several benefits, such as enhanced immune function, improved gut health, and reduced inflammation. 

In addition, cassava can provide several benefits sexually to males and females by increasing stamina, fertility, and libido. 

However, more research is still needed to determine the sexual benefits of cassava. 

Keep in mind that cassava has a toxin that is consumed raw can be toxic. So, make sure you cook it thoroughly to avoid getting sick from eating cassava. 

The root, stem, leaves, and petioles of cassava are edible when cooked.

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  1. Gaskins AJ, Mumford SL, Zhang C, Wactawski-Wende J, Hovey KM, Whitcomb BW, Howards PP, Perkins NJ, Yeung E, Schisterman EF; BioCycle Study Group. Effect of daily fiber intake on reproductive function: the BioCycle Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Oct;90(4):1061-9. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2009.27990. Epub 2009 Aug 19. PMID: 19692496; PMCID: PMC2744625.
  2. Miraglia N, Dehay E. Folate Supplementation in Fertility and Pregnancy: The Advantages of (6S)5-Methyltetrahydrofolate. Altern Ther Health Med. 2022 May;28(4):12-17. PMID: 35653630.

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