- How do you jelq?
- Does jelqing work for penis stretching?
- Why do people do jelqing?
- Are there any benefits of jelqing?
- Are jelqing exercises safe?
- Side effects and risks of jelqing
- How to minimize jelking side effects
- How long does it take to see results from jelqing?
- Signs you should stop jelquing
- Alternative penile stretching exercises you could try
- Considerations before trying jelqing
- Conclusion
- Source
Jelqing (also known as jelking and jelquing) is the name given to a penis stretching technique that involves massaging and stretching from the base of the penile shaft.
By doing this stretching massage, micro-tears are created, which, as they heal, expand the tissue and increase the length of the male genitalia.
Many men practice this penile stretching exercise in an attempt to increase the size of their penis.
However, does jelqing really work? Is it safe? Are there more effective alternatives?
In this article, we will describe what is jelqing all about, does it work, how to do it, its benefits, risks, possible results, and jelquing alternatives you can try.
How do you jelq?
The first thing people should do before trying jelqing is to warm up the penile tissue. This warming up will reduce the risk of injury.
You can do this by taking a warm bath or applying a warm towel or compress to the base of the penis, shaft, and glans.
Some people may also use a hot water bottle. However, in all these cases, you should be careful not to set too high a temperature.
Once you’ve warmed the area, ideally, the penis should be erect but not too firm. A medium erection is ideal. Apply lubricant for added protection, and start the jelqing exercise.
- With the penis erect and having applied lubricant, hold the base of the penis with your index finger and thumb as if you were making the OK symbol.
- Squeeze gently to keep the blood in the shaft.
- Slide from the base of the penis to the tip in pulling motions that should last three to five seconds.
- While one hand reaches the glans, the other rests on the base of the penis and repeats the pulling motion with the other hand.
- Repeat about 20 times, ideally for 20 minutes every day.
- After doing the jelqing exercises, gently massage the penis with your index finger and thumb, making circular movements all over the shaft.
- Finally, reapply a warm compress for two to five minutes. This will help maintain blood circulation.
Jelqing exercise variations you could try
The above tips are the basic steps to follow, which you will find on most jelqing reference websites. However, there are also some variations.
For example, you can experiment without lube as long as you are not irritating your skin or causing pain.
You can also experiment with a firmer grip, such as a pincer, instead of the traditional OK sign.
Some devices online do this work for you with traction rollers or another implement. There is no standard for how long you should do this to see a noticeable difference.
However, some studies showed that an average time of three months is given to test the results in most cases.
Does jelqing work for penis stretching?
So far, there is insufficient scientific evidence to support or reject using jelqing as a penis stretching technique.
Some men claim excellent results from jelqing. For others, the technique only caused discomfort without solving the problem.
One of the only studies on jelqing was conducted by a website selling penis extender devices.
According to this study, jelqing for three months only increases penis length by 0.13 inches.
However, this type of study has a substantial conflict of interest, as it is in the best interest of this website to promote and sell their device.
On the other hand, there are also more severe studies that use traction devices to enlarge the penis. These devices work similarly to jelqing.
According to one such study conducted on 23 people, three months of using traction devices increased penis length by one inch.
Notably, these traction devices had to be worn nine hours daily to be truly effective.
In general, most studies show that these types of devices improve penile deformities but do not increase penile size too much.
All the evidence indicates that the jelqing does not cause a noticeable effect. However, the truth is that there are not many studies on the subject, and there is anecdotal evidence from some people that it has worked for them.
Why do people do jelqing?
This is the main reason why some men practice jelqing is that they want their penis to look bigger, even when it is flaccid.
In most cases, external factors also contribute to this dissatisfaction with penis size. For example, pornography promotes a larger penis as a sign of masculinity.
That’s why evaluating your reasons for wanting to practice jelqing exercises is important. It is good to ask yourself if the thoughts and anxiety about penis size are influenced by pornography or based on a real problem.

Are there any benefits of jelqing?
The main benefit of jelqing is that it is intended as an exercise to increase the length and girth of the penis.
In most cases, these differences are noticeable within a few months, but the increase in size can vary from 0.5 cm to 3 cm, depending on the individual.
Even so, no scientific evidence supports the continued use of this exercise for a specific period.
According to studies, this traction exercise could also improve penile deformities. However, in these cases, we recommend that you seek the advice of a physician before trying jelqing.
Are jelqing exercises safe?
We recommend medical advice mainly because jelqing does not have sufficient studies to support its safety. Therefore, it is impossible to ensure with baseline clinical evidence that jelqing is safe.
But neither can we point to specific adverse effects, as no studies have been done on this practice. However, just as we have anecdotal evidence of good results, we also have the same kind of evidence of injury.
Many people report penile damage after applying jelqing. Some of them we will mention in the next section.
Side effects and risks of jelqing
There are health risks when jelqing is not performed correctly. The most common are pain and discomfort, irritation, discoloration, or bruising of the penis.
You may also experience red spots, tingling or numbness sensations, itching, and even a risk of injury to the blood vessels if the maneuver is done violently.
The penis has different spongy tissues connected to nerve areas and blood vessels. The nerve endings produce sexual pleasure, and the blood vessels fill the corpus cavernosum to achieve an erection. There is a possibility that jelqing may cause damage to this intricate anatomical tissue.
If that occurs, in addition to bruising and swelling, there could be a problem of erectile dysfunction or a flare-up of such sexual dysfunction.
Clearly, jelqing side effects are those reported anecdotally by some people. So far, and with the scientific evidence available, it is impossible to say for sure how frequently they occur.
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How to minimize jelking side effects
To avoid adverse effects such as those mentioned above, it is advisable to use all the precautions we have mentioned.
- Applying lubricant can minimize the friction between your hand and the penis, reducing the risk of skin injury. In addition, it also decreases the intensity of traction on the internal tissue of the penis.
- It is also important not to over-tighten your grip to the point of causing pain. Doing so could cause irreparable damage to the internal tissues of the penis.
- Remember also that the erection should be partial. That is, you should be hard but not hard enough to penetrate. About 2/3 of a maximum erection should be enough. If your penis is fully erect, wait a moment and stop stimulating yourself for a minute or two.
- Among other recommendations, stop jelqing if you feel pain or discomfort or if you feel any of the adverse effects mentioned above.
- Avoid doing this exercise more than twice a day, and do not forget the preparation phase with warm water and the massage at the end, which can reduce the onset of these problems.
How long does it take to see results from jelqing?
There is no consensus on how long it takes to see results with jelqing. However, in most anecdotal cases, people notice differences within the first month or two.
In the studies mentioned above, it takes three months to notice differences. However, it all depends on the person, how they jelq, the frequency, and their anatomy.
Signs you should stop jelquing
As a technique whose safety level is not proven, it is crucial that you watch for any signs of injury.
If you experience any of the above symptoms or complications, you should stop using jelqing.
Stop doing these exercises if you experience the following:
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bruising and discoloration
- Erectile dysfunction
- Other alarming symptoms
If the symptoms are severe or persist for a long time, you should talk to a urologist or your healthcare provider.
Alternative penile stretching exercises you could try
Besides jelqing, there are other alternatives to enlarge the penis. Some are medical, and others are similar to this technique but with traction devices. Among the main alternatives we have:
- Penile extenders. These traction devices can be worn under clothing and are available online.
- Pumping devices. These devices resemble long tubes filled with air. They are mainly used as vacuum devices to achieve an erection.
- Surgery. In some cases, cutting the internal ligament of the penis or inserting an implant can increase the size.

Considerations before trying jelqing
As mentioned above, some people practice jelqing or other penis enlargement techniques due to the influence of pornography and unrealistic expectations. So, it is essential to know if your penis length is small and if you need a change.
The average length of an erect penis is five to seven inches. So if you’re in that range, you may be underestimating the length of your genitals.
You should also remember that mental or emotional stress can affect erection quality and penis size.
Sometimes, it may be worth evaluating the need for a therapist if there is nothing physiologically wrong with your penis.
Finally, it is essential to note the difference between penile size problems and penile deformities.
For example, Peyronie’s disease is a problem caused by the creation of scar tissue in the penis, which changes its normal curvature and can affect erectile function.
If you have problems with the curvature of the penis, it is best to consult a urologist or your primary care physician.
Jelqing is a technique that has become popular on many Internet sites to increase penis length.
No documented studies support the effectiveness or safety of the technique. It consists of holding the penis from its base with continuous stretching movements for a few minutes.
Some of the adverse effects of jelking are pain, discomfort, bruising and discoloration changes in the penis, and even damage to the internal structure of the corpora spongiosum and cavernosum, which could cause erectile dysfunction.
Before attempting this technique, it is important to consult with your physician to evaluate safer options that may help you gain self-confidence.
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