We don’t often think about the best foods for our prostate health. If it smells right and tastes good, it’s okay to eat.
However, studies have shown that lifestyle and diet play an enormous role in men’s health…particularly prostate health. Eating the rights foods is extremely beneficial to have a healthy prostate.
Regrettably, unhealthy foods are very present in the majority of everyday diets.
Large amounts of processed food, salty foods, and junk food are the norm.
These are bad for health generally, but especially for prostate health. They only increase the likelihood of developing prostate diseases and becoming obese.
Interestingly, the diet recommendations by leading health organizations around the world are the Paleo/Ketogenic diet. Fish, seafood, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils.
All of these are in the Paleo diet. If you’re suffering from prostate issues, we highly recommend you check out the Paleo/Ketogenic diet. It is the best diet for fighting prostate disease, getting fitter, and losing weight.
Below we list 10 of the best foods that will help improve, support, and sustain prostate health.
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1) Berries
A handful of berries every day will keep the doctor away. Blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries are high in antioxidants, and vitamin C. Antioxidants contribute to the fight against prostate diseases by protecting prostate cells.
Vitamin C is aids in treating benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), an enlarged prostate, by reducing prostate swelling and helping with urination. Enjoy berries in smoothies, healthy desserts, or just as they are.
2) Tomatoes
There is certainly nothing ordinary about these everyday fruits. Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene.
Lycopene is an antioxidant that gives tomatoes its red color. A randomized control trial examined the effects of lycopene extract in men with BPH.
Men were given 15 mg of lycopene per day or a placebo for six months. PSA was significantly reduced in the lycopene group, and prostate volume was unchanged after six months. Prostate volume increased by 24% in the placebo group. However, some studies have reported no effect of lycopene supplementation.
Tomato intake providing about 30 mg of lycopene has been shown to reduce PSA in men with prostate cancer. These benefits were exerted from lycopene from whole foods rather than as an extract.
It is likely that lycopene from whole foods exerts health benefits than does not occur with an extract. Men who use tomatoes into their daily diet had a lower risk of developing prostate problems, according to studies published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology.
3) Green Tea
There seems to be no end of endorsements of green tea as an all-conquering superfood. The prostate is just one area of the body; it has been found to help.
In an American study published in 2014, a sample of men was given a diet of green and black tea extracts each day for 12 weeks, while others received a placebo.
Taking measurements, the researchers found that those receiving the tea had an improved quality of life in as little as six weeks, as well as improved urine flow and decreased urological inflammation.
4) Fish
Omega-3s and omega-6s, polyunsaturated fats or fatty acids, are known to hinder the development and progression of prostate diseases. In fact, a deficiency in omega-3 and omega-6 may lead to prostate problems.
One clinical trial found that omega-3 supplementation with drug therapy was more effective at improving urinary symptoms and reducing prostate volume than drug therapy alone.
The participants given omega-3 consumed 900 milligrams per day through fish oil capsules. Seafood provides rich sources of omega-3 from whole foods. So increasing seafood intake or supplementing with omega-3 may help reduce prostate volume.
These fatty acids also help produce prostaglandin, lower high blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attacks, and lower harmful cholesterol levels while raising good cholesterol levels.
However, essential fatty acids are only in food – the body can not make them. A great and healthy source for omega-3s and omega-6s is oily fish. These include salmon, sardines, herring, trout, and mackerel.
You can also take a high-quality krill oil supplement. Ben’s Wild Antarctic Krill Oil is sourced from the clean, pure and unpolluted waters of the Antarctic, and is more easily absorbed, more productive, and requires a much lower dose than fish oil to have the same effect.
5) Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are excellent sources of iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus. These trace minerals are essential to having a healthy prostate and also a strong immune system. Men who develop BPH and prostate cancer are usually deficient in zinc and other trace minerals.
Sometimes this can be as much as 50 percent lower levels than men with healthy prostates. In between meals, sesame seeds are great healthy snacks.
6) Avocados
Guacamole, made from avocados, is one of the most delicious snack-time recipes. And even better yet, avocados help reduce the painful symptoms associated with BPH. They contain good fats and nutrients that are beneficial to general men’s health.
Avocados have beta-sitosterol, which helps urinary flow, decreases inflammation of the prostate, and strengthens the immune system. Never feel guilty about eating guacamole again.
7) Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts contain the trace minerals magnesium and selenium as well as antioxidants. Antioxidants are powerhouses that help defend against cellular damage in the prostate.
Selenium also plays its roll in wellbeing by lowering bad cholesterol and the formation of blood clots. Make sure to eat these nuts in moderation. Have a few every couple of days.
8) Cayenne
Chilli peppers are the source of this prostate-supportive spice. Cayenne peppers get their heat from a high concentration of a substance we call capsaicin.
Capsaicin is widely known for its ability to reduce pain. Recent studies have also shown that it can help kill cancer cells, including prostate cancer cells.
Specifically, capsaicin has demonstrated an ability to cause prostate cancer cells to “commit suicide” (a process called apoptosis). Capsaicin does this by attacking the energy-making portion of the cells, called the mitochondria, and can do this without harming the healthy cells that surround the cancer cells.
Along with its anticancer abilities, capsaicin also offers cardiovascular benefits because it is a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals that can lead to atherosclerosis.
A few more benefits include helping to prevent ulcers, opening and draining congested nasal passage, and reducing cell damage that can lead to diabetic complications.
9) Broccoli
Broccoli contains many complex and nutritional compounds – all of which help reduce the risk of developing prostate problems.
Research has found that phytochemicals found in broccoli, such as sulforaphane and beta carotene, specifically target and eliminate damaged prostate cells without compromising healthy prostate cells.
So while broccoli may not be the most loved vegetable, it surely packs a strong punch. Enjoy broccoli in healthy salads or as a blend with other vegetables and fruits in a breakfast smoothie.
Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family. Other cruciferous vegetables include cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.
10) Bell peppers
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that may play a role in fighting BPH. Not all vitamin C is the same. According to the Mayo Clinic, only vitamin C obtained from vegetables lowers your risk of an enlarged prostate. Fruits don’t offer the same benefit.
Moreover, bell peppers contain more vitamin C than any other vegetable. One cup of raw bell peppers contains 195 percent of your daily required may want to add to your diet include kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.
Prostate diseases such as BPH and prostatitis are leading health issues for men. Every month, thousands of men are diagnosed with prostate illnesses. But proper nutrition, along with other lifestyle factors, plays an integral role in decreasing these numbers.
The above examples are only some of the foods that will help you promote and maintain good prostate health.
In particular, a plant-based diet, rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce prostate cancer risk. So, over time, be sure to add in moderate exercise and activity for a balanced approach.
A properly maintained diet and a healthy lifestyle provide you a fighting chance at preventing prostate diseases and significantly improving your prostate health.
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Find out Ten Worst Foods For Prostate Health.