Can Gardening Exercises Aid With Prostate Health?

If you want to know how to improve your prostate health you’ve come to the right place.

Men who are physically active every day can cut their prostate cancer risk by 51%. 

Options like gardening and walking have a profound effect. 

Furthermore, after diagnosis, exercise provides the system with benefits regarding prostate cancer development. 

And it facilitates a positive outcome for patients undergoing treatment.

Since gardening seems to be a worthwhile choice, we decided to do some digging and see its exact favorable outcome. 

Mainly how it can impact tumor progression and development. 

Here is all you need to know on how to improve prostate health with a typical gardening routine. 

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The Impact of Physical Recreation for Healthy Prostate

Daily physical activity, including walking and gardening, has more notable protective elements than previously believed. 

Gardening has many uses. It is one of the healthiest hobbies to develop, especially when dealing with a prostate problem. 

What gardening can do for your health

1) Help the body fight disease 

Sunlight exposure provides the body with vitamin D. 

Being out in the sun can alleviate the risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc. 

2) Promote sleep and manage weight 

Everything you do in the garden is a form of exercise for prostate health

It will use every muscle in your body for those struggling with lower urinary tract symptoms. 

This exertion creates practical weight and sleep management

Those who put in the extra effort for healthy prostate will have an easier time shedding the extra pounds or mitigating the BPH symptoms

When you maintain a healthy weight, the cancer is less likely to spread after radiotherapy or surgery

And symptoms could be easier to manage. 

3) Reduce the impact of stress 

Extreme stress has accumulative properties on any healthy prostate. 

The worse it gets, the bigger the chance for prostate cancer to grow or take root. 

Controlling these emotions could control and prevent cancer. 

With gardening, you get time to recover and destress to mitigate the symptoms. 

What The Research Says

One particular research funded by Cancer Research UK and WCRF (World Cancer Research Fund), relied on a robust analytic method to measure exercise among different patients with or without cancer. 

Based on the reports, they evaluated 61,106 people without prostate carcinoma and 79,148 with cancer. 

Experts assessed various DNA variations and sequences. 

Most of the volunteers were older than 50. 

By the end of the study, those who were highly active experienced a 51% reduced risk of developing cancer of the prostate. 

Problems with benign prostatic hyperplasia can lead to uncomfortable urinary tract symptoms. 

With chronic prostatitis, the inflammation also leads to bladder and urine problems, quite similar to that of enlarged prostate. 

To develop a better impact on prostate health and cancer risk, guidelines recommend about two and a half hours of exercise a week, which is around 20 minutes a day. 

These cancer-related findings indicate that the more active someone is, the better. 

Luckily, you don’t need to play sports or do draining workouts. 

Any activity that gets you moving can create a worthwhile result for an enlarged prostate. 

Options like walking and gardening are something that you can build into a daily routine with benign prostatic hypertrophy, bacterial prostatitis, urinary tract issues, or prostate cancer. 


In fact, experts found a 57% reduced progression rate among patients with localized prostate carcinoma. 

They walked briskly for over 3 hours a week.

Plus, they managed to reduce their blood pressure and control their HDL levels. 

These are all key factors in reducing the possibility of developing this type of cancer. 

They keep the prostate tissue in check. 

With a PSA test and prostate cancer screening, people can take a better look at their enlarged prostate gland and assess their health state. 

Gardening Exercises That Can Aid With Prostate Health

To know how to improve prostate health, many doctors suggest good nutrition with regular exercise. 

Saw palmetto and fatty acids can help. 

Adding more vitamin E, cruciferous vegetables, omega 3 fatty acids, and zinc supplementation can help ease the urinary symptoms and benefit overall health.

High lycopene intake is also recommended. 

It is good for both prostate cancer and prostatitis. 


Lycopene for prostatitis can ease inflammation and inhibit oxidative stress. 

Lycopene exerts powerful compounds that benefit prostatitis and prostate cancer patients.

When gardening, you will be doing a lot around the house for the prostate gland. 

Activities like digging, raking, chopping wood, or cutting grass all fall under the category of moderate to light exercises. 

You will be using the major muscle groups, which will get the blood pumping. 

There isn’t a single gardening exercise that works best for those with a prostate disorder, like prostate cancer. 

It’s about doing various options for prostate cancer that can get the body engaged and focused. 

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You can tighten the pelvic floor when walking or try to work on your urine flow. 

This can show you how to improve prostate health.

Before you lift, stand up, or crouch down, keep the pelvic floor nice and tight. 

This is a slow muscle contraction, also known as the “squeeze and lift” technique. 

With the tight squeeze, the testicles lift, and the base of the penis moves in. 

Hold it for about 10 sec and repeat 5 to 10 times. 

Are There Any Risks?

There is always an increased risk of injury when doing anything in the backyard. 

But, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be a problem for an enlarged prostate. 

Although exercise won’t significantly curb the symptoms of prostate enlargement or cure erectile dysfunction, it can provide a plethora of benefits. 

Those concerned about their prostate cancer cells and urinary problems should avoid using chemicals in their garden. 

Options like weed killers and pesticides are bad for the prostate. 

Research shows that pesticide exposure is directly linked with prostate cancer. 

So, it is best to avoid this risk factor. 

It is also important to wear protective clothing when working and drink a lot of water. 

Dehydration is a typical side effect of cancer treatment. 


Gardening is a good way of letting off some steam. 

Not only do you get to grow healthy food, but you also supply the system with properties that aid cancer prevention. 

Even if it can’t replace regular prostate cancer treatment, gardening can go a long way to improve your prostate health when paired with a healthy diet. 

So, make sure to lower prostate cancer risk with an option such as this. 

Explore More

prostate health tips

How To Protect Your Prostate From BPH, Prostatitis, and Prostate Cancer.


  1. Campos C, Sotomayor P, Jerez D, González J, Schmidt CB, Schmidt K, Banzer W, Godoy AS. Exercise and prostate cancer: From basic science to clinical applications. Prostate. 2018.
  2. Hoel DG, Berwick M, de Gruijl FR, Holick MF. The risks and benefits of sun exposure 2016. Dermatoendocrinol. 2016.
  3. Hayes BD, Brady L, Pollak M, Finn SP. Exercise and Prostate Cancer: Evidence and Proposed Mechanisms for Disease Modification. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2016.
  4. Zhao Q, Yang F, Meng L, et al. Lycopene attenuates chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome by inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation via the interaction of NF-κB, MAPKs, and Nrf2 signaling pathways in rats. Andrology. 2020.
  5. Ragin C, Davis-Reyes B, Tadesse H, et al. Farming, reported pesticide use, and prostate cancer. Am J Mens Health. 2013.

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