If you’re interested in learning about a new prostate cancer test with high accuracy, you’ve come to the right place.
A PSA blood test has long been at the forefront of detecting prostate cancer.
But it is not ideal and won’t detect all prostate cancers.
For the first time in years, scientists have made a remarkable discovery that can help topple the detection accuracy of the prostate-specific antigen test – the new Prostate Screening EpiSwitch (PSE).
According to experts from the University of East Anglia, the PSE blood test is 94% accurate.
There are many flaws in the way prostate cancer is diagnosed today.
The main disadvantage of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is that it lacks specificity for prostate cancer.
Patients can get a false positive, which could cause significant anxiety and stress.
The PSA blood test results can lead to further testing, like a prostate biopsy, which can trigger complications, such as blood in the semen or rectal bleeding.
The new prostate cancer test, PSE, looks to bypass this level of uncertainty and offer patients a better opportunity for detecting prostate cancer.
Here is what research has to say about this new prostate cancer test.
Prostate Cancer and Men’s Health
Prostate cancer is the most prevalent malignancy diagnosed in over 50% of countries. In 2020, more than 1,400,000 new prostate cancer cases were recorded around the world. The likelihood of developing this cancer increases with age.
Most prostate cancers take time to grow and are low-grade with limited aggressiveness. But, the prostate cancer mortality rate can still be a problem, considering 1 in 41 patients lose their lives due to prostate cancer.
Cancer can affect the prostate gland and urinary tract in different ways. It can hinder or block the tubes that transport urine.
Those who develop a prostate problem can develop symptoms such as:
- Trouble urinating
- Reduced or weak urine flow
- Difficulty emptying the bladder
- Burning or painful sensations when urinating
- Painful ejaculation
- Blood in the semen or urine
- Soreness or deep, dull, or consistent pain in the pelvis, hips, or back
Diagnosis for prostate cancer often relies on the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test and transrectal ultrasound-guided (TRUS) prostate needle biopsies.
Other diagnostic modalities are also available such as the PCA3 urine testing, the”4K” test, MRI imaging, etc.
PSA is a protein created by the prostate. Enhanced PSA levels could be a sign of prostate cancer. However, the antigen test doesn’t provide proof of cancer.
That’s because many things can increase the PSA levels, such as prostate problems, prostate enlargement, or some medications.
Doctors may also recommend a digital rectal exam (DRE). This can be a practical option for checking just one side of the prostate.
For low-grade cancers, treatment may not be necessary. Experts often recommend active surveillance, follow-up rectal exams, prostate cancer blood test, and biopsy samples.
Recently a new prostate cancer test offered more promising results for early detection.

PSE Provides Actual Benefit for Screening and Diagnosis
The Prostate Screening EpiSwitch (PSE) is a new blood test that shows promise as a rapid and accurate diagnostic tool.
This new blood test for prostate cancer exam was developed by Oxford Biodynamics in association with Imperial College, NHS Trust, Imperial College London, and UEA.
Based on 2023 reports, the new prostate cancer test, PSE, has a high accuracy of 94%.
PSE combines a standard PSA blood test with an epigenetic EpiSwitch test. To study its impact, scientists involved 147 patients. They then assessed the results side by side with that of the PSE test and the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test.
PSE provided a much better overall detection accuracy for men prone to prostate cancer. PSE testing demonstrated remarkable values and accuracy, which could be a key component in effective prostate cancer diagnosis.
As a fast, accurate, and minimally invasive prostate cancer test tool, the PSE test can have the potential to reduce the odds of unnecessary referrals and invasive procedures, like needle biopsies. It can improve the decision-making process and offer patients more reliable results.
What can make PSE better than other prostate cancer tests is the technological advancements. The new test for prostate cancer captures a systemic, personal fingerprint of regulatory network changes linked with prostate carcinoma.
There is a clear need for a more accurate prostate cancer diagnosis. With the incorporation of a tool such as this one, medical experts can have an easier time detecting the abnormality. They can then offer the right treatment approach for each tumor grade.
On-time diagnosis and treatment can alleviate the symptoms and allow the body to recover.
PSE Shows Promising Accuracy
The new prostate cancer test PSE has greater accuracy than the PSA blood test.
According to prostate cancer screening guidelines, the PSA test is inaccurate and unreliable. It can give a false-positive result.
A false-positive can occur when the PSA scores are increased, but there is no carcinoma in the system.
False positives can cause additional stress and lead to unnecessary referrals and biopsy samples. This prostate cancer blood test is often wrong.
Only 25% of patients who get a prostate biopsy because of a high PSA level actually have prostate cancer.
Many factors can affect the accuracy and reliability of this blood test for prostate cancer screening. Studies show that various inaccurate measurements of prostatic volume and technical errors can cause poor test results.
Using other laboratory tests for PSA can also cause a variation in the results. For example, a digital rectal exam, recent ejaculation, prostatitis, and urologic surgical procedures can all increase PSA levels.
The new test for prostate cancer takes on a different approach. Instead of just relying on blood work prostate, it also uses EpiSwitch® technology.
This can help experts get better diagnostic criteria with 94% accuracy and reduce the likelihood of false positives.
This new cancer test for the prostate may help diagnose patients more correctly at an earlier stage. Research on the PSE test looks promising. But, more large-scale data is necessary before experts can figure out how effective this tool can be.
Pros & Cons of Prostate Cancer Screening
Early detection and treatment is the pillar of good health. When the cancer is caught in its early phases, it can be treated and cured. The side effects are easier to manage, and the treatment should offer more promising results.
But, if you don’t catch the malignancy on time, chances are, it could put your overall health in danger. Treatments for advanced stages are also more expensive, take a toll on the body, and can affect the quality of life in prostate cancer patients.
With early screening, the patient can:
- Find and treat cancer early on before it starts to spread
- Monitor their health if they are at high risk of cancer
- Get a better perspective of their current condition
But, it is not uncommon for patients to feel stress, anxiety, and worry from screening for prostate cancer. To know if a blood test for prostate cancer is right for you, talk to a specialist.
Healthcare experts often propose prostate cancer screening tests if a patient has a family history of the disease, is over 50, or experiences a range of symptoms. They may also suggest a prostate cancer screening test based on your general health state and race.

What to Expect in the Future?
Research for the Prostate Screening EpiSwitch (PSE) is ongoing.
Before this testing tool can be introduced, experts need to test it thoroughly. This is so we can be sure that the test is safe and effective.
Repeated trials can help measure the tool’s performance and provide reliable data. This is very important since data can vary from patient to patient. So, having more large-scale research can help experts come to a solid conclusion with little room for error.
In the meantime, the currently available prostate cancer tests remain a top priority. If you have a suspicion or experience any issues with the prostate gland, talk to a specialist. They can suggest the best prostate cancer tests that can be tailored to your needs.
The Prostate Screening EpiSwitch (PSE) is another example of how screening tests for prostate cancer can evolve. Due to its outstanding performance and high accuracy (94%), this new testing tool has the potential to outshine the currently available PSA blood test.
It has shown potential benefits in clinical practice for identifying prostate cancer and may contribute to improving global health. Further research is ongoing to fully understand the impact and benefits of the PSE test.
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