Top 10 Vitamins For Men Over 50

Aging is part of life, and while it does bring about a new journey, certain issues develop.

As we age, our needs change. Not only may sleeping pattern change and energy levels deplete, but a man also finds that they do not perform as well in the gym and even in the bedroom. By the age of 50, several changes happen in the male body.

Understanding these changes can help a man develop a counter-strategy. While they cannot be eliminated, these changes can be supported or even slowed with the right strategy. 

While a man’s diet is likely to contribute to his daily nutritional intake, it is crucial to understand that there may be a need for additional supplementation.

With this in mind, men should learn what supplements their aging body needs to avoid a nutrient deficiency. The right supplement can make a significant difference in both physical and mental health. 

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Getting Key Nutrients In Your Older Years

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in men. It contributes to fertility, libido, heart health and helps to promote healthy bones. The hormone also plays a role in contributing to immune health, ensuring the body can effectively ward off disease. 

As men age, testosterone is a hormone of interest. By the age of 40, most men will start to experience a decline in the amount of testosterone their bodies make. This process is relatively slow, however. Studies show that men generally experience only a 1% drop in their testosterone levels every year. 

By the age of 50, however, the drop in testosterone may start to become more noticeable. For some men, the decline in this hormone happens faster too. In such a case, a patient may experience signs of testosterone deficiency. In turn, this could adversely affect the patient’s general performance, mental health, and quality of life. 

Lower hormone levels are not the only concern among older men. There are additional risks that come to mind when thinking about old age.

Reports show that common issues in men older than 50 include:

  • Problems with cognitive health and performance.

  • There are often issues with mental health, too, leading to depression and other psychological complications. 

  • Impairments in sensory functions. This may include visual impairment, for example. 

  • There is often a higher risk of injury to the body. This is often due to reduced bone health. 

Apart from these factors, malnutrition is another common concern among elderly patients. Older men often have deficiencies in essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. 

This is where essential vitamins come into the picture. Malnutrition in older men can cause serious complications and make existing conditions worse. By taking the right supplement, these men can effectively improve their health and meet their nutritional needs. 

Best 10 Vitamins For Men Over 50

There is a variety of supplements available on the market. Some of these are targeted specifically at older men, while others take a universal approach to the formulation. Not all supplements are needed by men who have reached the age of 50. It is also important to consider that men in their 50s will have different nutritional and supplement needs than a man who is only 22. 

In this section, we will take a closer look at 10 of the best vitamins for men over 50. Each of these vitamins and dietary supplements plays a specific role. We will describe why each of the nutrients is important and offer recommendations for taking the supplements. 

1) Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the best vitamins for men over 50. It is one of the crucial vitamins for men over 50, yet many people do not take care to ensure they obtain enough of this vitamin every day. According to one publication, a significant portion of the population are deficient in vitamin D. Due to the roles that the nutrient plays in the human body, there are serious consequences that could occur if a person does not get enough of it. 

When looking at vitamin D, it is important to note that this nutrient plays two roles in the body. It is both a nutrient, specifically a vitamin, and has hormonal effects on the body. An adequate amount of vitamin D is needed for the body to effectively absorb and process phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin D also helps the body retain these two minerals. Both play a role in bone health. With this in mind, poor bone health in older individuals may be linked to a deficiency in vitamin D.

The body makes some vitamin D on its own. This happens when a person’s skin is exposed to the UV lights of the sun. Many older individuals do not get outside enough, which means their body cannot produce enough of the vitamin. Taking a vitamin d supplement may be a good way for an older man to get enough vitamin D. 

Men between the ages of 50 and 70 should take about 600 IU of vitamin D per day. Men older than 70 are advised to increase their daily intake of vitamin D to 800 IU.

2) Vitamin B12

B12 vitamins are another nutrient that men over 50 need to be aware of. This essential vitamin has a critical role in the production of red blood cells. When a man is deficient in vitamin B12, there may be a reduction in his red blood cell count. The good news is that vitamin B12 is readily available in animal foods, such as a piece of lean beef. 

Among older individuals who prefer to stray away from red meats, as well as those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, it is often difficult to get enough vitamin B12. A deficiency can lead to a thinning of the stomach’s lining, pernicious anemia, and immune system disorders. Celiac disease and Chron’s disease are also complications associated with vitamin B12 deficiency.

The dosage for vitamin B12 depends on age. It is generally advised that all adults require the same amount following the age of 21. This means men aged 50 or older will require the same amount as younger men. Men should consume 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 each day. It is important to keep to this recommended dosage, as taking too much vitamin B12 can also be bad for a man. 

3) Calcium

The role of calcium does not require too much explanation. Most people are already aware of the fact that calcium is vital for keeping bones healthy. The mineral forms part of bones, helping to ensure bone mineral density remains high. When there is insufficient calcium in the body, it can lead to fragile bones. There also develops a higher risk of fractures. 

Studies show that there is a high prevalence of calcium deficiency among the aging population. Numerous reasons are shown as possible causes behind calcium deficiency in older men. This includes interactions caused by medication. In such a case, the medication contains chemicals that interfere with the body’s ability to absorb calcium effectively. 

Men who are older than 50 are advised to get around 1,000 mg of calcium each day. When a man reaches the age of 71, their need for calcium will generally increase. At this age, men should get about 1,200 mg of calcium per day. The increased calcium intake may help to provide an elevation in serum calcium levels in the body. 

It is important to note that vitamin D should be taken when a man uses a calcium supplement. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium more effectively. 

4) Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral. The mineral is often considered one of the most important ones. Many biochemical processes in the body depend on the presence of magnesium. For example, the body uses magnesium to produce energy. When magnesium levels are low, energy levels will decline. The man will feel fatigued and tired. Blood pressure is also regulated by magnesium, and the mineral contributes to the development of bone tissue. 

Apart from these roles, magnesium plays a role in calcium absorption, along with vitamin D. Men who do not get enough magnesium may experience a number of adverse effects in their body. It has been found that low levels of magnesium lead to an increase in stress levels. Some men also experience anxiety symptoms if they have low magnesium levels. 

Other than these effects, sleeping troubles are also common in men with a deficiency in magnesium. Most adults, including older men, should get 350 mg of magnesium every day. This is a sufficient amount to support the bodily functions that depend on the mineral. It might also be a good idea to look at a multivitamin that contains magnesium, along with vitamin D and calcium. These three work together closely to help with bone health – something that tends to decline as men age. 

5) Omega 3

Fatty acids are not classified as minerals or vitamins but still play a crucial role in human health, especially for men over 50. These are healthy fats that contribute to a number of health-related benefits. There are different types of omega-3 fatty acids. These are a type of polyunsaturated fat, along with omega-6 fatty acids. 

The types of omega-3 fatty acids include:

  • Eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA

  • Docosahexaenoic acid, also known as DHA

  • Alpha-linolenic acid, also called ALA

ALA can be found in various plant-based foods. EPA and DHA, however, are most abundant in seafood and fatty fish.

High concentrations of omega-3 are found in the brain and the retina. Additionally, studies also indicate that DHA seems to be found in sperm as well. This data shows that omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, play a role in brain health, eye health, and possibly sexual health too. 

The dosage for omega-3 remains similar among all adult ages. Men who are over 50 should take between 250mg and 500mg of omega-3 fatty acid supplements each day. It is recommended that these fatty acids are made up of DHA and EPA, as these are the two more potent types of omega-3 fatty acids. 

6) Probiotics

Billions of microorganisms reside in the gastrointestinal tract, starting at the oral cavity and running down toward the rectum. While some of these microorganisms are bad for health, others are actually good for the body. In fact, the human body’s survival depends on good bacteria being present in the gut. The collection of beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms found in the gut is often referred to as the gut flora or microbiome. 

Probiotics play a role in gut health and function. The microorganisms help the body absorb nutrients from food too. When there is a high level of beneficial microorganisms, they also help to keep bad bacteria in check. 

As men grow older, their microbiome in the gastrointestinal tract may decline. This can cause an imbalance between good and bad bacteria, which would affect the person’s general well-being. 

Probiotic intake can be increased by eating more Greek yogurt, fermented foods, and other foods that contain beneficial bacteria. It is, however, important to note that supplements may also be helpful. Probiotic supplements contain specific strains of beneficial bacteria. They sometimes also include other types of microorganisms that are useful for improving a person’s general well-being. 

7) Amino Acids

Amino acids are generally referred to as the building blocks behind protein. It is true that amino acids come together to form a whole protein, but there are other roles that these compounds play too. Some amino acids are essential for growth hormone production – another type of hormone that starts to decline as a man gets older. Amino acids also help men maintain a lower body fat count while retaining their muscle mass. 

Arginine is a type of amino acid that increases the amount of nitric oxide in the body. This is a gas that runs through the circulatory system and helps blood vessels relax. Other important amino acids include glutamine, orthenine, and more. 

Men who have a deficiency in amino acids may experience a wide range of problems. The specific symptoms will depend on the specific deficiency. Those amino acids that help with growth hormone secretion, for example, may result in a reduced lean mass. At the same time, the man may find that this body fat percentage is starting to increase.

There are different types of amino acid supplements. Men should consider starting with one that provides the essential amino acids. 

8) CoQ10

CoQ10 is an ingredient often promoted for its potential anti-aging benefits. In fact, many anti-aging face creams will clearly mark the CoQ10 content found in the product – which has become a selling point for many of these beauty items. There are, however, more to CoQ10. In supplement form, this particular dietary supplement may yield a number of benefits for the body. 

Coenzyme Q10 has been found to play an important role in the production of energy at a cellular level. When there is an insufficient amount of this nutrient available, cells will not be able to produce energy. Every cell in the body needs a form of energy to perform its specific functions. With reduced energy production in cells, some functions in the body may no longer work properly. 

Two different types of these supplements exist. They are called Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol. The Ubiquinol type is considered the active form. 

9) Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is a an essential nutrient for men who want to prevent or reduce the risk of prostate problems and safeguard prostate health. An enlarged prostate can cause discomfort, pain, and other problems.

The use of saw palmetto supplements has been shown to reduce swelling in the prostate. The supplement may also help to improve the urinary symptoms that the man experience. 

Saw palmetto supplements are often combined with other ingredients to provide a further reduction in inflammation. Some added ingredients may also be useful for improving urinary function and reducing nighttime urination. 

10) Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid, sometimes called ALA, is a type of fatty acid that is also a powerful antioxidant. The body is able to produce some of these fatty acids on its own. Supplementing the body with additional alpha-lipoic acid, however, can offer several added benefits. Numerous researchers have shown that the universal antioxidant activity of ALA provides benefits for the entire body. 

The use of alpha-lipoic acid may help to promote a healthier cardiovascular system and ensure energy can be metabolized and generated effectively in the body. It is also an important nutrient for promoting healthy-looking skin. 

Key Takeaways

Low testosterone, a sore lower back, stiff muscles and joints, and general aches. These are all common issues reported by older men. Once the body reaches the age of 50, hormone balance has already started to change. Countering these changes completely is impossible, but some strategies can promote a higher quality of life in aging men. 

A healthy diet and frequent exercise form the basis of a healthy lifestyle for older men. In addition to these, as men over 50 adding the right vitamins and supplements to their life can also be exceptionally helpful. Supplements like saw Palmetto can help to reduce prostate swelling and related problems. Simultaneously, using multivitamins like calcium and vitamin D can help provide improvements in bone health

Men do need to ensure they comply with the appropriate intake recommendations. Taking more of a supplement than what is needed will not offer better results. Instead, this would increase the risk of side-effects, leading to a likeliness of unpleasant complications developing. 

Men should consider taking a daily multivitamin. A men’s multivitamin supplement should contain all the essentials, including vitamin D3, vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin c, vitamin b, folic acid, and more. Men who have trouble swallowing a pill may also consider getting a gummy multivitamin. 


As the male body continues to age, changes are unavoidable. Testosterone levels tend to decrease, which leads to problems with several areas of the man’s well-being. Taking better care of the body can be a significant help. With the right key vitamins, men over 50 can help reduce the risk of prostate problems while also attending to their sexual, cardiovascular, and mental health at the same time. 


  1. Harvard Health Publishing. (2008) Testosterone, aging, and the mind. [online] Available at: 
  2. Harvard School of Public Health. Vitamin D. [online] Available at:
  3. Clinical Nutrition Research. (2015) The Role of Calcium in Human Aging. [online] Available at:
  4. National Institutes of Health. Omega-3 Fatty Acids. [online] Available at:

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