Can You Take Viagra With Alcohol?

Since its introduction in the market, sildenafil has become one of the most widely consumed men’s health drugs.

It is a PDE5 inhibitor, more commonly known as Viagra.

Around one-third of the adult male population in the US suffer from erectile dysfunction.

These episodes could be transient or permanent, triggered by specific situations or health conditions (1).

Regardless of the cause, sildenafil citrate treats most cases of mild and moderate ED.

It is one of the most popular erectile dysfunction drugs on the market.

One of the most common questions in a physician’s private practice is whether it is OK to consume alcohol with Viagra.

That’s why we’re bringing this time an informative article about Viagra and alcohol.

Is it safe to consume them simultaneously?

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Is it safe to take alcohol with Viagra?

Viagra is not the only way to set the mood for the night.

A glass of wine and other beverages can be a great choice to chill out and leave our inhibitions behind.

That’s why many people use Viagra with alcohol and wonder if that’s a good thing to do.

Doctors do not recommend heavy alcohol consumption if you use Viagra. However, drinking alcohol moderately is usually safe.

Still, being “moderate” around alcoholic drinks is not always the same from person to person.

That’s why we recommend following CDC recommendations of 2 alcoholic beverages or less every day.

If you only drink a bit to set the mood, alcohol and Viagra are unlikely to cause any adverse reactions.

This was concluded by researchers published in the journal American Family Physicians.

They took patients who used Viagra and tried it with and without alcohol. Their cardiovascular profile and other health parameters were recorded.

Then, the authors concluded that there’s no drug interaction or danger in moderate alcohol consumption along with Viagra (2).

Safety Tips

If you’re consuming alcohol along with an ED drug or ED medication like Viagra, take into consideration the following safety tips:

  • Do not wait to feel sick before you stop drinking. If you find it difficult to limit yourself to 2 glasses a day, combine alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Make sure that you’re recovering before taking a new cup.
  • Sip instead of gulping your drinks. If you slow down, the amount of alcohol per hour will be reduced. Drinking one serving every hour is a safe bet.
  • Be careful with cocktails and sweet drinks. You might not notice when you’re starting to feel dizzy. Drink non-alcoholic beverages in between.
  • Do not feel shy to take a break if you’re starting to feel drunk.
  • Look for professional help from a doctor if you can’t control alcohol consumption.

Potential Side Effects

If you can’t control yourself, alcohol abuse will increase the chance of side effects.

Side effects of Viagra include (3):

  • Facial flushing
  • Headache
  • Increased light sensitivity
  • Muscle aches
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Numbness in your extremities
  • It may also cause a moderate reduction of your blood pressure (it won’t likely cause low blood pressure)

They are not very common, but the incidence increases if you drink alcohol heavily. 

Does alcohol make Viagra less effective?

Viagra side effects are more common when you drink alcohol heavily.

But what about the efficacy of the medication?

Will alcohol make Viagra less effective?

The answer also depends on how much alcohol you consume.

Limiting alcohol to one or two cans of beer or glasses of wine won’t affect the effectiveness of Viagra.

But when you lose control, alcohol counters the effect of Viagra in different ways (4):

  • It suppresses the nervous system, which is required for erections. Even if you have an excellent blood flow due to Viagra, you also need a functioning nervous system. 
  • Thirty minutes after consuming alcohol, your testosterone levels start to decline. This hormone is required to maintain erections.

Thus, it is not a metabolic problem or an interaction with Viagra.

Alcohol counters the desired effects of Viagra by itself and without any intermediaries.

Compared with other drinks, especially grapefruit juice, alcohol has a weak interaction with this medicine.

Does alcohol affect erectile dysfunction?

Short answer, yes.

Similar to other recreational drugs, alcohol can potentially cause erectile dysfunction.

A small amount makes people feel relaxed and may contribute to sexual function. But the opposite happens if you drink too much.

There’s a problem known as whiskey dick and medically recognized as alcohol-induced ED.

This type of erectile issue comes after drinking heavily.

They are caused by an impact of alcohol on the nervous system and reduced testosterone levels after drinking heavily.

But the effects of alcohol over erectile dysfunction are more evident in the long term.

Studies show that 72% of individuals with alcohol dependence also have sexual dysfunction problems.

They are a large number of conditions affecting sexual health, including (5):

Occasional drinkers are less likely to experience the effects.

Thus, if you can limit your alcohol consumption to 20 drinks per week or less, you will be less likely to suffer from these side effects.


ED medication includes the so-famous Viagra and similar drugs, such as tadalafil and vardenafil.

They are mainly used to facilitate sexual activity and treat erection problems.

However, it is also useful to reduce pulmonary arterial hypertension.

As it happens with every drug, ED treatment affects other parts of the body and potential side effects.

Most of us know that alcohol interacts with many drugs. Does it happen in ED treatment, too?

The relationship between Viagra and alcohol is only evident in cases of alcohol dependence and heavy alcohol intake.

Excessive alcohol consumption has effects on the nervous system and hormone profile of a man.

They could counter the sexual arousal effects of sildenafil.

Additionally, alcohol affects sexual health in the long term. Most patients with alcohol problems also have sexual health issues.

Thus, you can consume Viagra and alcohol as long as you know your limits.

Do not consume more than two glasses of wine or cans of beer a day.

Limit your weekly consumption to 20 drinks or less.

Alternate alcohol with non-alcoholic beverages and use it wisely.

If you do, alcohol can turn you on and set the mood for the night without affecting your erectile function.

Explore More

drugs not to take with viagra

10 Drugs To Avoid When You Take Viagra.


  1. Najari, B. B., & Kashanian, J. A. (2016). Erectile dysfunction. Jama, 316(17), 1838-1838.
  2. Shaughnessy, A. F. (2005). Sildenafil Does Not Interact with Alcohol. American Family Physician, 71(3), 558.
  3. Moreira Jr, S. G., Brannigan, R. E., Spitz, A., Orejuela, F. J., Lipshultz, L. I., & Kim, E. D. (2000). Side-effect profile of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) in clinical practice. Urology, 56(3), 474-476.
  4. Taniguchi, N., & Kaneko, S. (1997). Alcoholic effect on male sexual function. Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine, 55(11), 3040-3044.
  5. Arackal, B. S., & Benegal, V. (2007). Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in male subjects with alcohol dependence. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 49(2), 109.

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