10 Foods That Help Erectile Dysfunction

There has been a lot of speculation that the foods we eat can influence or help erectile dysfunction. 

They may not be as impressive as over-the-counter meds but could create some level of impact for the dysfunction. 

The question is, does it hold true? 

We were determined to compile the latest statistical analysis and show you exactly what the foods you munch on can do for sexual dysfunction

Can Food Affect the Penis?

At first glance, food is a fundamental component in supplying the system with nutrients. 

But, when you take a closer look at foods for erectile dysfunction, you can see many components you’ve been missing. 

There is a close correlation between a man’s dietary pattern and their sexual health

Research indicates that erectile dysfunction seems to lessen in individuals on a Mediterranean diet

Overweight and obese men who want to shed a few extra pounds through a low-calorie diet or low-fat diet notice improvements in their testosterone levels and erectile function.

Whereas a Western diet often leads to poor sperm count

When it comes to problems with dysfunction, a diet packed with whole grains, veggies, fruits, and minimally processed goods, can lessen erectile dysfunction risk, amplify fertility, and ease prostate health. 

But, more studies are necessary to evaluate the impact of a person’s diet and their erectile dysfunction.

Can Diet Help Alleviate ED?

Not to appear as a stick-in-the-mud, but there isn’t a diet that will miraculously cure erectile dysfunction. 

With that being said, your diet is not utterly useless. 

Some diet changes can mitigate the ED symptoms. When paired with physical activity, certain dietary factors can amplify sexual performance. 

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10 Foods That Can Aid Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is characterized by the lack of sexual desire, poor blood flow to the penis, change in testosterone, and sometimes premature ejaculation

What your body requires are foods for erectile dysfunction that can interfere with some of these issues and ease the dysfunction. 

Incorporating the following foods in a diet may hold some potential. 

1) Olive Oil

A Mediterranean diet packed with virgin olive oil, nuts, fibers, fruits, and veggies is inextricably associated with reduced severity and risk of erectile dysfunction. 

Mainly in type 2 diabetes patients who carefully stick to a Mediterranean diet.

Plus, the typical risk factors of ED include diabetes, heart disease, and problems with blood in the arteries. 

These can all impact sexual function. This oil has some remarkable anti-inflammatory compounds.

2) Dark Chocolate

This treat that melts in your mouth has more perks than it meets the eye. 

Since it is rich in flavanols, it can elevate blood flow and mitigate blood pressure. 

2016 reports stated that individuals who enjoyed more flavanols had a 14% reduction in risk of erectile dysfunction. 

It may also assist with nitric oxide production, which is a key factor in ED management.

3) Red Wine

Your favorite majestic drink can be another contributor to better sex life

Experts estimate that enjoying moderate amounts of merlot could lessen the possibility of impotence by a maximum of 10% in middle-aged individuals.  

When paired with flavonoids and regular workouts, the drink could curb the risk of dysfunction by 21%. 

It also has a little bit of zinc, making it a good choice. 

4) Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate is an abundant source of anthocyanin, a powerful polyphenolic flavonoid antioxidant. 

It can speed up the levels of endothelial nitric oxide. 

Due to its higher antioxidant activity to wine or green tea, it can be useful for ED. The drink can also aid with blood pressure, making it a go-to choice in any healthy diet for this typical dysfunction. 

5) Fatty Fish

Fish oil and fatty fish can intensify semen quality and testosterone by amplifying the fatty acid profiles, as seen in animal trials. 

When adding fish to a diet, people also gain a hefty amount of omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin C.

These nutrients can lessen blood pressure and keep the arteries from clogging, therefore managing blood flow. 

They can benefit the heart of individuals with diabetes and those with a high probability of a heart attack. 

Practical examples of fish to add to an ED-tailored diet would be trout, sardines, Atlantic mackerel, herring, etc. 

For more zinc, add oysters. 

They can definitely get you in the mood and get the testosterone up to track. 

Although oysters may not be one of the ultimate foods for erectile dysfunction, they can be a somewhat practical aphrodisiac.

6) Leafy Greens

The high amounts of nitrates make leafy greens ideal for blood flow and better blood circulation to the penis. 

Options like spinach, asparagus, and turnip greens have plenty of folic acids. 

Those with the dysfunction can make the most of this nutritional prowess.

These tasty goodies can open up a blood vessel, aid circulation, and allow more blood to get to the penis. 

They have zinc and enough amino acid for a fully functioning system. 

Experts often recommend adding leafy greens to a diet for individuals with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and susceptibility to prostate cancer.

7) Pistachios

Pistachios are more than just yummy snacks. 

They have the potential to help individuals with erectile dysfunction

The blood supply is a typical problem with this dysfunction. 

Clinical trials showed that volunteers who consumed pistachios had their LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol drastically decrease, whereas the HDL increased. 

This snack improved lipid parameters, therefore ameliorating erectile function without causing any side effects. 

Although there isn’t enough research on vascular disease and pistachios, it seems managing high cholesterol can appear valuable for patients with erectile dysfunction. 

8) Garlic

When in need of increased blood flow, garlic is probably the first thing that comes to mind. 

This food is a practical example of an antimicrobial and anti-tumor powerhouse that can help the arteries and the blood. (13)

But did you know it could also make for a solid pick when dealing with erectile dysfunction? 

Proper blood supply is critical when keeping the penis erect. 

Anything that can get the blood going can make a worthwhile choice. 

Garlic is exactly the type of option that can aid the blood. 

This consumption elevates nitric oxide and stimulates better blood supply. 

Despite the limited research on garlic and this particular dysfunction, all these blood benefits seem to have a lot to offer.

9) Watermelon

This fruit is considered a natural viagra. It may seem far-fetched, but it makes sense. 

It is rich in citrulline, which is critical for easing the dilated blood vessels and can act quite like Viagra. 

Of course, it can’t have the same impact but makes for a good natural alternative for mild dysfunction and inadequate blood supply. 

10) Pink Grapefruit

Grapefruit is an interesting choice when trying to supply the heart and body with plenty of nutrients. 

Since it is also packed in Lycopene, it can stimulate better blood supply, thus aiding the dysfunction. 

While there are many benefits of grapefruit sexually, do keep in mind that grapefruit can interact with some medications. 

It is a typical culprit when used with cholesterol, depression, and high blood pressure medications, stated Harvard Medical School. 

Given the amount of impact it can have, it is crucial to contact a specialist if you plan on incorporating too many changes in your diet. 

Taking such medications may interfere with the products you consume. 

So, it is a good idea to ask for medical advice before making drastic food changes. 

Final Thoughts

Everyone is eager to try options that would make ED a thing of the past. 

Sadly, it is not that easy. 

The good thing is, there are ways to work around the dysfunction and obtain the desired result. 

Some like to use conventional medications, while others are interested in changing their diet. 

Now that you know which foods you can add, you can make some worthwhile changes that can aid the dysfunction. 

Was this guide helpful? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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