Masturbation Side Effects: Myths and Facts

Masturbation is something often discussed among men. It has become somewhat of a confusing topic, in fact. Some think that masturbation is bad for a man.

There are cases where masturbation is even looked at as a problem in a relationship. However, what men may not realize is that this activity is actually something that should be part of their life. 

Due to the shame and myths associated with masturbation as an activity, men sometimes look at it as something that should be avoided.

In this post, we shift our focus toward the health benefits of masturbation. While we focus on sexual pleasure from masturbating among men, many of these factors will also apply to female masturbation. 

Masturbation Myths

Looking at the benefits that may come with masturbation is the primary goal of our post. Before we consider how this activity is beneficial, however, we want to focus on something else. Several cultural and religious prohibitions are in place that look at masturbation as something men should not do. 

In addition to these beliefs, there is also a significant amount of myths surrounding this topic. Men need to be able to differentiate between real facts and myths. Believing in myths can cause a man to miss out on a beneficial activity. 

In this section, we will share some myths that men need to avoid believing. By realizing this, men may feel less awkward and concerned about masturbation. Instead, they can start to look at this as a self-care activity. 

1) Masturbation causes infertility

Infertility is a common problem among men and women. Researchers have found that an estimated 186 million people have problems with their fertility1. 

There are many reasons why a man or woman may experience fertility problems. One myth that we find often mentioned is that masturbation will interfere with fertility. This, however, is not one of the many reasons why a person can become infertile. Adolescents often start experiencing with their own bodies from a young age – yet they grow up to become mothers and fathers. 

2) Masturbation increases the risk of cheating

Another myth that has circulated is that masturbation eventually leads to a person cheating on their partner. When in a relationship, sexual intercourse plays an essential part in keeping the spark there. Masturbation, however, is a different type of stimulation – it is natural and does not mean the person is going to cheat on their partner. 

3) Masturbation causes hair to grow in certain areas

When it comes to ridiculous myths, this one ranks at the top. Some people believe that frequent masturbation will cause hair to start growing on the weirdest areas of the body – such as on the palm of the hand. 

This has not happened to a man before and is not likely to occur in the future. 

4) Masturbation causes addiction

There’s a little truth to this one, but generally, it is considered a myth too. If a person masturbates constantly, they may feel a more persistent need to increase their frequency. This can lead to interference with a person’s daily life. 

With a few sessions of masturbation each week, however, addiction is not something to be concerned about. 

5) Masturbation interferes with sexual performance

Sex involves a lot of processes and actions. A man needs to get an erection for sex to be possible. Both women and men need to be in the mood, or sex may not be as pleasurable. 

Some have said that masturbation may interfere with a person’s sexual performance. This myth explains that a person who masturbates is more likely to experience problems in the bedroom. Yet another myth that is yet to be proven. In fact, some people find that their experience in the bedroom is even better when they masturbate regularly. 

Masturbation Side Effects

First of all, it is important to understand that masturbation is not a dangerous activity. Some people despise this activity. These feelings are often caused by religious beliefs or cultural views on the activity. The good news is that masturbation is essentially a harmful way of pleasuring oneself. 

While it’s easy to establish the fact that masturbation is safe, there are a few things that a person needs to consider. 

First of all, excessive masturbation is a thing. Male masturbation and female masturbation at excessive amounts can cause problems. Sometimes, scientists would refer to excessive masturbation as hypersexuality disorder. 

Previously, we advised that addiction is not something to be concerned about when considering the myths surrounding masturbation. At the point where masturbation interferes with daily activities, however, then there may be a reason for concern. 

One study2 looked at masturbation and related sexual behaviors in men. The study found that there was a relation between binge pornography watches and more frequent masturbation. This, in turn, would also then increase the risk for compulsive sexual behavior. 

When looking at this study, we also have to consider other addictions. When a man expresses addictive behavior, they could start to masturbate more frequently than before. This would sometimes be coupled with watching porn. According to one study, there is evidence surrounding the possibility of porn addiction. 

This does not mean every person who masturbates is going to start watching porn and suffer from excessive masturbation. It should, however, still be something to take into consideration. 

We also need to consider the physiological effects of masturbation. When masturbating excessively, it is possible to cause damage to the penis itself. Multiple sessions of masturbation in just a short time can cause swelling. This penile swelling is sometimes referred to as edema. 

Another thing to consider is the guilt associated with masturbation. Some religions and cultures frown upon masturbation. This can cause men and women to feel guilt when they do masturbate. A consistent feeling of such guilt can lead to psychological issues4. It is possible for these individuals to learn the truth about masturbation. This may help the individual overcome the guilt that comes with every session of masturbation. 

When looking at frequent masturbation, it is important to avoid being too rough. When pushing items deep into the vagina, a woman may cause damage. This can lead to pain during partnered sex. It would also reduce sexual satisfaction when pain is experienced during sex. 

Solo sex among men, in the form of masturbation, can also cause problems. The man may experience problems like erectile dysfunction symptoms if they masturbate too close to sexual intercourse. Even with mutual masturbation, this may remain a problem. If a man is too rough, he may also cause damage to the penile tissue. 

Benefits Of Masturbation

We’ve covered the fact that masturbation, as a self-care technique leading to orgasm, is not bad for you. There are some things to consider. When you take care of your masturbation strategy and avoid overdoing it, this can be beneficial. It could even be a way of improving your sex life. From releasing more endorphins and oxytocin to helping with your fertility – we share the top benefits associated with masturbation.

1) Masturbation helps erectile function

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that affects millions of men. The risk of erectile dysfunction increases with age. The condition refers to the inability to have an erection during sex. Some men still get hard, but not rigid enough for intercourse – or their erection does not last. 

The penis is filled with smooth muscle tissue. This tissue relies on a frequent supply of oxygen – which is carried by the blood. Every time a man masturbates, blood flow to his penis increases. This means oxygen is supplied to the smooth muscle tissue. 

With this in mind, a man may find that their erection is harder when they masturbate about three times a week. When a man masturbates frequently, they will also be increasing the strength of the pelvic floor muscles. This can give the man more control over his erections and provide a better angle for penetration. 

2) Helps with ejaculatory control

While talking about erectile function, we should also consider that some men cannot last long during sex. When a man ejaculates too soon, he may be experiencing what is known as premature ejaculation

This sexual dysfunction does not have a definite set of diagnostic criteria. Generally, premature ejaculation is considered a problem when either a man or the sexual partner does not feel fully satisfied by the time of orgasm5. There are cases where a man may ejaculate within a minute. 

Masturbation could offer a man a good way to enhance their control over ejaculation. When the man ejaculates frequently, he will essentially teach himself a strategy to reduce premature ejaculation. It is also possible to use masturbation as an exercise to gain extra control. 

A good way to go about this strategy is to time ejaculations. When the man masturbates, he should see how long it takes him to reach orgasm. The next time he ejaculates, the man should try to extend the time it takes to ejaculate. If he orgasmed within a minute the previous time, he should aim for a few seconds more. 

By continuing to practice this strategy, the man can gain a much more significant level of control over his ejaculations. This may be a useful way of dealing with premature ejaculation

Additionally, some men find that ejaculating a few hours before a big date is helpful. This can be great if the man usually reaches orgasm too quickly. By masturbating a while before the date, it is possible that the man would last longer during sex. 

3) Masturbation may improve sleep

Sleep is important, yet it is something that too many people ignore. Sleep deficiency or deprivation can cause serious problems. According to one publication6, an estimated $411 billion suffered by the US government each year is linked to sleep deprivation

For every 24 hour period, a person needs to sleep for an average of seven hours. It is generally recommended to keep sleep time every night between seven and nine hours. 

In the United States, sleep deprivation affects over 40% of some populations7, such as in regions like Hawaii and Kentucky. These people are all at risk of several health problems. 

Both mental and physical well-being is adversely affected by poor sleep. When a person does not sleep enough, they are at a much greater risk of accidents. High blood pressure may develop, and a person may find that their immune system is weaker when fighting against infections. Mood changes are possible, along with memory-related problems. This is only a small number of the negative health effects that come with sleep deprivation. 

Neurotransmitters like dopamine may be affected. Hormone-like testosterone could also decline in the male body. Low testosterone levels bring about even more health problems. 

Regular masturbation can improve sleep. Sexual stimulation by hand helps to reduce the release of the stress hormone cortisol. It also gives a person the ability to get a sexual release. The calming effect, coupled with the release of certain neurotransmitters, makes it easier to fall asleep. 

4) Masturbation improves your health

Health is an important topic. Poor health can lead to a reduced lifespan. On the other hand, taking better care of oneself may help to extend a person’s lifespan. This is yet another area where masturbation comes into the picture. 

There are several ways that masturbation may contribute to a healthier body. As previously explained, this self-care technique is known to improve sleep among men and women. When a man masturbates and sleeps better, they will feel more refreshed in the morning. 

The risk of heart disease could also potentially be reduced through frequent masturbation. There are a few studies that have looked at how masturbation affects the heart. In one study8, there was a reduction in the risks associated with heart problems. In fact, having an orgasm twice a week could make a man 45% less likely to experience a life-threatening cardiovascular event. This data was compared to men who had sex on only one or no occasions during a 30-day period. 

5) Masturbation has mood-boosting effects

A low mood can spoil a person’s day. It can also cause the person to have less resistance to the effects of stress. This means stress hormones are likely to spike faster. When a person experiences mood problems and stress, they have a risk of depression too. 

There are cases where masturbation can cause guilty feelings. This, however, is usually caused by beliefs. Men need to learn how to get past these feelings. When they do this, it’s possible to experience a range of mood-boosting effects when masturbating – particularly at the time of orgasm. 

When a man ejaculates, his brain releases chemicals. These include oxytocin and dopamine, among others. The neurochemicals are associated with a “feel good” emotion. When these are released, the brain’s reward pathways are activated. In turn, the person may feel like their mood is instantly lifted. 

6) Masturbation makes the prostate healthier

Prostate cancer is a highly prevalent disease among men. The risk greatly increases with age. The American Cancer Society9 reports that an estimated 191,930 prostate cancer cases will be diagnosed by the end of 2020. The society also estimates that an estimated 33,330 men will die from prostate cancer in the same timeframe. 

Masturbating regularly could be an excellent way to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Some studies have looked at this potential benefit. One study showed a significant reduction in the risk when men masturbated. Men in the study masturbated an average of 21 times per month. This frequency was associated with a 33% reduced risk for prostate cancer10. 

Even masturbating on only a few occasions each week could still be helpful. Some studies found that masturbating just eight times a week can already provide a 10% reduction in the risk. With this in mind, men do not need to masturbate every day to reduce the risks associated with cancer in the prostate gland. 

Masturbation is not an activate reserved for adolescents and young adults. A large number of older men also masturbate frequently. Due to a higher risk at an older age, masturbation continues to play an important part in male health – even among the aging population. 


Masturbation is something that a large number of men enjoy. Some, however, believe it’s not good for men to masturbate. Sure, there are times where it may become a problem. Balance is the crucial factor that should be kept in mind here by understanding when and how much masturbation can help a man realize when it is healthy. This also helps a man gain the most of this self-care activity. 


  1.  World Health Organization. (2020) Infertility. [online] Available at:
  2. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. (2018) “Pornographic binges” as a key characteristic of males seeking treatment for compulsive sexual behaviors: Qualitative and quantitative 10-wee-long diary assessment. [online] Available at:
  3. Journal of Clinical Medicine. (2019) Online Porn Addiction: What We Know and What We Don’t – A Systematic Review. [online] Available at:
  4. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. (2015) Can Masturbatory Guilt Lead to Severe Psychopathology: A Case Series. [online] Available at:
  5.  Urology Care Foundation. Premature Ejaculation. [online] Available at:,less%20enjoyable%20and%20impacts%20relationships.
  6. Alaska Sleep Clinic. (2020) Sleep Deprivation Statistics That’ll Wake You Up. [online] Available at:,after%2010%20to%2015%20minutes.
  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Short Sleep Duration Among US Adults. [online] Available at:
  8. Harvard Medical School. Is sex exercise? And is it hard on the heart? [online] Available at:
  9. American Cancer Society. Key Statistics for Prostate Cancer. [online] Available at:
  10.  JAMA Network. (2004) Ejaculation Frequency and Subsequent Risk of Prostate Cancer. [online] Available at:

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