About 8.2% of men have prostatitis at a certain stage in life.
Of all the prostatitis categories, chronic prostatitis is the most prevalent type of problem men have to deal with.
Those affected can develop persistent pain between the rectum and scrotum. The pain can also affect the genitals.
For many, urination can be a problem, particularly issues with frequency and urgency of urination and painful ejaculation.
But, when flu-like symptoms come into the picture, they can have quite an impact on your overall well-being.
To understand the effect of prostatitis on the prostate gland, it’s important to cover the basics. Here, we look at the various prostatitis types and the urinary symptoms that come with it.
What Is Prostatitis?
Prostatitis is swelling (inflammation) of the prostate. It’s quite a distressing ailment of the urinary tract that can cause pain. It’s different from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). But, both BPH and prostatitis can lead to an enlarged prostate.
Based on one study, 57.2% of the 5,053 men evaluated with prostatitis also had a history of BPH. Whereas 38.7% of 7,465 men with BPH had a history of prostatitis. Prostatitis is primarily recognized by pain and discomfort.
The prostate and bladder can be affected by various prostatitis types. These include:
- Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis
- Chronic pelvic pain syndrome/chronic prostatitis
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis
- Acute bacterial prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis is quite the typical issue in adult patients. It has a varied prevalence rate of 8.4% to 25% across different regions.
Data shows that 35% to 50% of the male population is most likely to have an associated symptom of chronic prostatitis. Whether that’s urination troubles, burning pelvic pain, nocturia, or anything else.
Bacterial prostatitis is a prostate gland infection. It can be acute (acute bacterial prostatitis) or chronic. Acute prostatitis occurs when the prostate gland goes through a sudden inflammation.
Without adequate prostate treatment, the ailment can hinder your quality of life. Bacterial prostatitis is less common than nonbacterial prostatitis. But, patients with an episode of bacterial prostatitis have higher odds of experiencing a subsequent episode and progressing to chronic bacterial and chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.
Risk factors for bacterial prostatitis, or in this case, a bacterial infection, include prostate manipulation, BPH, diabetes, urethral stricture, and more.

Can Prostatitis Cause Flu-Like Symptoms?
Yes. The acute bacterial form of prostatitis can trigger chills, fever, and flu-like symptoms, mainly vomiting and nausea. In comparison, chronic bacterial prostatitis could cause a recurrent urinary tract infection. Acute bacterial prostatitis is often the result of some strains of bacteria.
So, it’s not uncommon to have prostatitis flu like symptoms. Chills, for example, are an unpleasant sensation of goosebumps and shivers. This means that your body is trying to tackle the infection and, as a result, feels too cold. How well it does to fight it off will vary based on your current immune state.
Even if you have a fever, you can still feel chilled. Keeping the body warm with adequate clothing and enough heat should be a top priority. Don’t leave the pelvic floor exposed to the cold air for an extended period, or the discomfort can take hold.
Although fever with prostatitis can be temporary, the ailment can still lead to a sudden spike in body temperature. Your first concern is to keep the fever down. Drinking fluids, getting enough rest, and adequate medication can help.
If you have bouts of nausea or vomiting that last over two days, then contact a prostatitis specialist. When these prostatitis symptoms become too draining, patients may need adequate medical treatment.
See a doctor if you have pain in the pelvic area, pain when ejaculating, or a urinary tract infection. By skipping prostatitis treatment, you can worsen the infection or experience some additional prostate problems that will drastically impact the lower urinary tract. Like hesitant urination, inability to urinate, body pain, etc.
Other prostatitis complications include sexual dysfunction, inflammation near the prostate, prostatic abscess, and a bacterial infection inside the bloodstream. It’s possible to avoid problems and complications such as these with on-time treatment.
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Natural Ways to Manage Prostatitis Flu-Like Symptoms
The traditional treatment for prostatitis involves antibiotics, αlpha-blockers, or NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory agents). Below are some natural remedies to help manage prostatitis flu-like symptoms at home.
Stay hydrated
To curb the prostatitis flu like symptoms, hydration remains a focal point. Options like a warm broth, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices, soups, and raw fruits can help.
When drinking with the flu and prostatitis, you will need to urinate more often. But, this is normal, considering you have to flush out any bacteria. So, avoid drinking too much before bed.
For tea, feel free to use turmeric, ginger, or black tea. Some people like to use essential oils to curb the prostatitis flu like symptoms. But, there isn’t enough data that supports the benefits of products such as these for prostatitis. They may be helpful but offer only a mild benefit.
Take a warm bath
Another practical natural approach is to soak in a warm bath.
Dietary changes
Try to avoid products and activities that irritate the prostate. Foods to avoid include processed goodies, acidic foods, alcohol, and saturated fats.
Herbal and Nutritional Supplements
When it comes to managing chronic pelvic pain and prostate difficulties, experts believe acupuncture and some herbal supplements can help. But, they are not meant to replace conventional medicine.
Nutritional and herbal supplements are widely used in chronic prostatitis and other prostate ailments, like BPH. Even though many formulations may provide some benefit, quercetin, pollen extract, and saw palmetto were found to have a specific application to chronic prostatitis and the bladder.
Acupuncture is another potential therapy for easing chronic prostatitis symptoms. It can improve the pelvic floor and ease pelvic pain.
It can help thwart urinary symptoms and better your quality of life. Acupuncture is considered an appropriate approach for prostatitis patients.
When dealing with prostatitis, pelvic pain, urine troubles, and other symptoms can be tricky to manage. Emergency medicine may be necessary when the pain is too severe, and the vomiting and nausea have left you feeling drained.
Talk to a doctor when the prostatitis signs feel out of hand, like difficulty passing the urine or being unable to pass it at all. Ask for advice, and get adequate treatment.
With that in mind, some natural treatments, like acupuncture, can help with the pain. Acupuncture is also popular among cancer patients for relieving some cancer symptoms.
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