If you want to find out some home remedies for a UTI, you’ve come to the right place.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are responsible for over 8.1 million visits to healthcare providers annually.
About 12% of men and 60% of women will have at least one UTI at some point in their lifetime.
Symptoms of UTI can be quite uncomfortable.
Many people find them frustrating.
Fortunately, these problems are treatable.
In this post, we’re going to focus on 10 home remedies for UTI and how they can help you.
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Understanding UTIs
The term urinary tract infection refers to an infection anywhere in the urinary system.
Your urinary system includes the bladder, urethra, kidneys, and ureters. A vast majority of infections occur in the lower urinary tract, i.e., the urethra and bladder.
Keep in mind a UTI and yeast infection are not the same.
Since the urethra is shorter in women, they are more likely to have UTIs than men.
However, men can also develop these problems.
Bad bacteria are behind most cases of UTIs.
They enter the urinary tract through the urethra and start multiplying in the bladder.
Infection of the urethra is called urethritis, while infection of the bladder is called cystitis.
Kidney infection is called pyelonephritis.
Besides anatomy (shorter urethra in women), common risk factors for UTIs include sexual activity, menopause, and certain types of birth control.
Other risk factors are abnormalities of the urinary tract, blockages in the urinary tract, urinary catheter use, weakened immune system, vesicoureteral reflux, and recent urinary procedure.
Some people may not experience any symptoms of UTI, but most people do.
The most common signs and symptoms include:
- Strong urinary urgency
- Burning sensation while urinating
- Cloudy urine
- Urinating frequently, but passing small amounts of urine
- Strong-smelling urine
- Pelvic pain (in women)
- Cola-colored, red, or bright pink urine
Diagnosis of UTI requires analysis of urine culture and other diagnostic tests.
UTI treatment usually includes antibiotics.
A proactive approach is crucial because the unresolved problem may lead to other issues such as kidney stones.
10 home remedies for a UTI
Home remedies for UTI are convenient, fast, and affordable solutions for relief from symptoms you experience, especially in the case of mild UTI.
Below, you can see 10 remedies that could help you out.
1) Stay hydrated
Most people with UTIs limit water intake.
They assume a lower intake of fluids means less frequent trips to the bathroom.
However, one of the most important things you can do at home for UTI relief is to stay hydrated.
Hydration helps you urinate and thereby flush harmful bacteria from the urinary tract.
What’s more, decreased fluid intake and less frequent urination are associated with recurrent UTI.
So make sure to drink water throughout the day.

2) Don’t “hold it in”
Pain during urination can be uncomfortable.
An affected person often feels reluctant to go to the bathroom and tries to hold their “pee” in as much as they can.
Big mistake! Bacteria multiply as you hold them in.
So, when you feel like you need to urinate, you should.
3) Get more vitamin C
Vitamin C is more than an immune system booster.
Increased consumption of this micronutrient could protect you from UTIs.
Vitamin C works by elevating urine acidity, thus destroying infection-causing bacteria.
The best way to get more vitamin C is through an increased intake of fruits and vegetables.
Good sources of vitamin C include oranges, strawberries, red peppers, kiwi, just to name a few.
If your diet doesn’t allow you to obtain enough vitamin C, you may want to make some tweaks or consider getting vitamin C dietary supplements.

4) Drink cranberry juice
Cranberry juice is probably the most well-known UTI home remedy.
Evidence shows drinking cranberry juice can decrease the risk of recurrent urinary tract infection by about 50%.
The main “culprits” for the effects of cranberries are proanthocyanidins (PACs) which don’t allow the bacteria to stick to the urinary tract’s lining.
As a result, they prevent infection.
To get the most from cranberry juice, you need to opt for unsweetened cranberry juice rather than sugar-laden juice options.
5) Consider taking natural supplements
Dietary supplements help prevent nutritional deficiencies and aid the management of various health problems.
Many of them contain ingredients we wouldn’t be able to obtain otherwise. Some useful supplements for UTI you may want to consider trying are:
Cranberry extract
This works just like cranberry juice.
A form of sugar from cranberries, D-mannose is effective in the treatment and UTI prevention.
Garlic extract
Garlic extract is a natural remedy that exhibits antimicrobial effects that block the growth of infection-causing bacteria, also beneficial for the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis.

Find out more about Ben’s Organic Garlic Tincture.
Bearberry leaf (uva ursi)
This works to reduce the recurrence of UTI, especially in combination with dandelion root and dandelion leaf.
6) Try probiotics
Probiotics are live microorganisms that improve gut health, but they can do so much more than that.
More precisely, the Lactobacillus bacterium strain may promote treatment and prevention of UTI.
Taking antibiotics and probiotics combined could be more effective than antibiotics alone, evidence shows.
Probiotics restore gut bacteria balance after antibiotics use.
You can obtain probiotics through supplements or from fermented foods such as kefir and yogurt.

7) Use heat in the pelvic area
Women often experience UTI pain in the pelvic area. Pain and discomfort range in intensity, but applying heat could alleviate them.
You can place a heating pad on a pubic or bladder area.
But, avoid putting heat directly onto the skin and make sure it’s not too hot.
Warmth should be moderate, and you should apply it for short periods only.
8) Avoid bladder irritants
Some foods irritate the bladder and further contribute to UTI symptoms.
To manage UTIs more effectively with home remedies, you need to avoid foods that irritate your bladder.
These include alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, artificial sweeteners, tomato-based foods, and citrus fruits.
9) Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a kitchen staple and a common home remedy for various health concerns.
Known for antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar is considered helpful for UTI management.
Some people take baths with ACV to tackle fungal/bacterial infections and promote wound healing.
Keep in mind ACV could be more beneficial for preventing future or recurrent bacterial infections.
You can add ACV to cranberry juice, water, or green tea.

10) Modify your diet
Foods you eat can either irritate the bladder or help you fight off urinary infections.
Generally speaking, a plant-based diet is more beneficial for managing and preventing UTIs due to its high level of antioxidants, vitamins, and antibacterial properties.
A high intake of processed foods could aggravate your condition due to free radicals and other unhealthy ingredients.
You may want to increase your intake of bananas, pears, nuts, eggs, potatoes, lean proteins, green beans.

While there are numerous home remedies for UTI, you need to be cautious.
Home remedies can make the symptoms more tolerable, support your recovery, and prevent future episodes.
This is especially the case with uncomplicated UTI.
However, they are usually not as effective as doctor-recommended treatment (antibiotics).
For most people, home remedies are an adjunct to conventional treatment.
They are not a replacement for prescription antibiotics, especially with frequent UTIs.
If natural remedies don’t work
If natural remedies don’t work and you haven’t seen a doctor for the symptoms you experience, it’s wise to do so.
Home remedies and doctor-recommended treatment aren’t necessarily enemies; they can complement one another.
So, if your home remedies turn out to be ineffective, you still need to be proactive about your condition.
Don’t ignore the symptoms.
When to see a doctor
In most cases, urinary tract infections resolve within two to three days with at-home treatment.
You may want to consider scheduling an appointment to see a doctor if your symptoms become severe.
Symptoms that persist for at least a week, without signs of improvement, are also a good reason to see the doctor.
You should also see a healthcare professional in cases of recurring UTIs and weak immune systems or the presence of other factors that could aggravate the infection.
Home remedies for UTI prevent infections and relieve the intensity of symptoms.
But in some cases relying on home remedies isn’t enough.
If symptoms persist, you may want to see your doctor.
Besides the abovementioned remedies, essential oils such as oregano oil could help.
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