Home Remedies For Painful Ejaculation

An orgasm is supposed to give you pleasure. But what happens if you experience the opposite? 

Painful ejaculation is more common than we think, and many patients come to the doctor saying things like, “it burns when I ejaculate.” 

This problem should be evaluated very closely, and you need to describe the symptom accurately. 

Sometimes it hurts to pee after ejaculating and not during ejaculation itself.

If your penis hurts after ejaculation, doctors may need to rule out prostate problems and infections. 

We will cover these conditions and more in this article. Then, we will go through the best home remedies for painful ejaculation.

What is painful ejaculation?

As the name implies, painful ejaculation is a sensation of discomfort after ejaculation. Ejaculation pain can start along with the orgasm or right after. 

The sensation is felt between the penis and the anus, called the perineum. Some patients feel pain when ejaculating in the urethra, which is the tube that connects the bladder to the outside.

Sperm pains are mostly felt as a burning sensation. It is also known as dysorgasmia, and it is different from dyspareunia (pain during intercourse). 

The severity of the symptoms ranges from mild to very severe, and it is repeatedly reported without conditions.

If it hurts to pee after ejaculating and it doesn’t happen without urination, it is probably a different health issue. 

Thus, be as accurate as possible and describe your symptoms to the doctor if you experience painful urination after ejaculation or during orgasm.

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What causes painful ejaculation?

Ejaculation pain can have plenty of causes. Being aware of the reason will help you find the best treatment and home remedies for painful ejaculation. 

Thus, let us take some time to describe the most important causes (1):

Inflammation or infections

This is perhaps one of the most common causes. It includes inflammation problems such as prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, and urethritis. 

Infections often trigger these conditions. A sexually transmitted infection is a possibility, especially in patients with a history of multiple sexual partners. Still, you can have painful ejaculation without sexually transmitted diseases.

Benign prostate hyperplasia

Patients with BPH symptoms are prone to experiencing painful ejaculation, too. It is not the most common manifestation of this disease, in any case. 

Radical prostatectomy

This is the name of a surgery to take out the prostate in case of prostate cancer or severe BPH. In radical prostatectomy, the patient may end up with a damaged bladder neck. 

The nerve fibers can be damaged in this area, and the sphincter muscles stop working as they should. That is how they start reporting a sensation of burn after ejaculation. 

This happens to 9% of patients after undergoing this type of surgery. However, the prevalence depends on the technique used by your doctor. 

Stones in the seminal vesicles

Stones can form in almost any duct in the body, causing an obstruction. When they form in the seminal vesicles, patients may experience pain after sperm discharge. 

This is more common in patients with prostate cancer, diabetes, urine reflux problems, and chronic urinary tract infections.

Ejaculatory duct obstruction

Other things can also obstruct the seminal vesicles. For example, a malformation in the ejaculatory duct, a cyst in the prostate, or fibrotic tissue in the prostate due to prostatitis. 

In any case, the ejaculatory duct is obstructed, and patients experience discomfort after ejaculation.

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

There are some nerve-related conditions that not only cause a pain feeling after ejaculation but also chronic pain in the perianal, scrotal, and penile regions. 

Around 24% of patients with this syndrome will also have pain after ejaculation.

Medication side effects

Urethra burns after ejaculation can be a side effect of antidepressant drugs. Some muscle relaxants may also give you similar symptoms during orgasm.

Other causes

There are other causes of painful ejaculation, including scarring of the vas deferent or damage to the spermatic cord.

Home remedies for painful ejaculation

You want to choose home remedies for painful ejaculation, depending on the cause. For instance, if the reason is an abnormal ejaculatory tube, you’re not likely to improve with home remedies. 

Thus, the first step is figuring out what is happening and why this symptom is troubling you. Talk to your doctor about it and get a diagnosis first.

The easiest ejaculation pain you can solve is the one caused as a side effect of medications. You only need to figure out a suitable replacement and follow your doctor’s advice to change your treatment. 

But some conditions are not responsive to home remedies. For instance, seminal vesicle stones and ejaculatory duct obstructions are difficult to treat with herbal remedies.

The rest of the conditions are more responsive to herbal therapy and lifestyle modifications. For instance (2,3,4,5):

Inflammation and infections

  • Cranberry juice and supplements: It is beneficial in case of urinary infections, including some sexually transmitted diseases. Cranberry juice prevents Escherichia coli from adhering to the bladder and other parts of the urinary tract. This may solve urinary symptoms, reduce inflammation in the area, and improve painful ejaculation.
  • Uva ursi: It is also a potent herbal remedy with antibacterial substances. It also acts as a mild diuretic and clears the urinary tract from kidney stones.
  • Echinacea: This remedy is very useful against a variety of microbial agents. It also inhibits an enzyme that worsens inflammation, known as hyaluronidase. That is why this remedy is often recommended for infections and inflammation in the urinary tract and prostate gland.
  • Turmeric: It is arguably one of the first herbs you can think of for inflammation. Turmeric is beneficial in treating prostatitis and reduces the symptom of ejaculatory pain in these patients.

Benign prostate hyperplasia

  • Saw palmetto: It is a famous home botanical remedy for BPH. Saw palmetto helps relieve the symptoms of prostate enlargement, including pain when ejaculating. It is actually considered one of the most tolerated remedies in cases of ejaculation disorders.
  • Kegel exercises: You can also try this home remedy, and some people have had excellent results. It involves locating your pelvic floor muscles by stopping the stream halfway when urinating. Once you find the pelvic floor muscles, strengthen them by contracting while sitting, lying, or standing. This may give you better control over the urethra and reduce the symptoms of urethra burns after ejaculation and premature ejaculation.

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

  • Quercetin: This type of phytonutrient is very useful for these patients. Quercetin reduces the expression of pro-inflammatory substances. It also has antioxidant ability. Altogether, these features help relieve pain, which may also reduce the incidence of a painful orgasm.
  • Pumpkin seed oil: Studies show that this oil is particularly good at reducing prostate inflammation in chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It helps improve flow rate and residual urine. It may also minimize ejaculation pain.


How do you treat painful ejaculation?

Besides home remedies for painful ejaculation, we can also explore the medical treatment of ejaculation pain. 

After identifying the cause of your sperm pain, doctors will usually choose one of these medications:

  • Muscle-relaxant drugs: For example, they may use drugs to relax the urethra. These drugs can solve various symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia. In doing so, they may also resolve pain after sperm discharge.
  • Anticonvulsant drugs: These are more useful when you have nerve-related symptoms. For example, prostate pain after ejaculation can be triggered by nerve dysfunction in chronic pelvic pain syndrome. In such cases, anticonvulsant drugs reduce the frequency of nerve firing and may help you enjoy your orgasm once again.
  • Pain medications: They are helpful in chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Some of them are anti-inflammatory medications and improve the symptoms of prostatitis and infectious disease.


Ejaculation pain can be harder to treat than other symptoms and health issues. It is often felt as a burning sensation while ejaculating, but some patients experience the symptom after releasing sperm. 

You should describe to your doctor the symptoms as accurately as possible to help them understand the cause.

We can use different medical treatments depending on what is causing the symptom. There are also home treatments for painful ejaculation and herbs you can use depending on each cause. They are usually anti-inflammatory agents, but some may also have muscle-relaxant activity in the urinary tract. 

This article explored how to use various remedies for inflammation, infections, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. They are all causes of pain during ejaculation.

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